Learn how to manage your research

The best free way to manage your research

Organize, share, discover


Mendeley is a desktop and web program for managing and sharing research papers, discovering research data and collaborating online. It combines Mendeley Desktop, a PDF and reference management application (available for Windows, OS X and Linux) with Mendeley Web, an online social network for researchers.


Nachi Chockalingam and Aoife Healy will provide an introduction to Mendeley software on Wednesday 20th January from 1 – 1.45pm.


They will demonstrate how the software can be used to store and organise research articles and how it can be used to create citations and bibliographies.


Places are limited, to attend the event please register at: http://community.mendeley.com/event/3cd58bb3-434a-47fc-8856-eb73bc4cb690


For more information see www.mendeley.com


Book NOW – External Projects Team – Staffs Fest Programme


There is still time to book onto the External ProjectsTeam Staffs Fest events, we are offering three sessions which can be booked via MyView.

  • 30th June 2014 – Jose Beech – Bid Writing  – 10-12 noon Ashley LT011
  • 7th July 2014 – Margaret Bennett / Esther Knight  – Euro Trash – a fun EU quiz – 1pm-2.30pm BG 50 Brindley
  • 7th July 2014 – Chris Kenning – Consultancy Agreements in a University Context 3pm- 4.30pm BG 50 Brindley

These sessions will be a great opportunity to meet the team and become familiar with our work, please get in touch if you want to find out more before you book. Email us at externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk





Speed Plus: for starting business and supporting business growth

Please note the following Speed Plus opportunities for graduates:

If you know (students graduating this year, graduates from any year, staff or other ‘associates’ of Staffordshire University) who are interested in starting their own business and looking for dedicated support and business grants then apply NOW for the next SpeedPlus intake.

Speed Plus is a business support programme for graduates, alumni and associates of the University which provides, training, mentoring, advice and guidance on any aspect of starting a business, self-employment, freelancing and commissioning. There is also financial assistance for everybody on the programme.

Please find further information on the following link:
(http://www.beinspiredatstaffs.co.uk/home/Speed-plus-business-startup/ ).

Please feel free to forward this to anyone who might be interested in applying. The application closing date is 3rd March 2014.

An application form can be found on the following link, but you can also download it from the website http://www.beinspiredatstaffs.co.uk/home/apply-now/

Interviews for the programme will take place during the week of 7th to 11th April with induction and training being held on 28th, 29th April and 5th May 2014.

Should you require any further information or advice on completing the application form please feel free to contact the BeInspired office below:

Kind Regards,

It only takes one idea, one second in time, one friend, one dream, one leap of faith, to change everything, forever. Just one!……Yet eternity lies in the palm of your hand¬¬¬.
be Inspired Team
Faculty of Business, Education and Law,
Staffordshire University,
K166 The Octagon, Beaconside,
Stafford, ST18 0AD.
01785 353809 Direct | 07825 979278 Mobile
 www.beinspiredatstaffs.co.uk / www.staffs.ac.uk/business

SPEED Plus is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund

Speed Plus Business Start-Up Programme.
This programme is aimed at graduates, alumni and associates of the University who wish to start up their own business or freelance. Benefits include: Business consultants, business training, business clubs, networking opportunities and financial support. For more information contact
Dorota Wiernikowska; dot@staffs.ac.uk; 01785 353809; www.beinspiredatstaffs.co.uk

Bid writing training to support updated university policy

Following the recent Staffordshire University Research, Enterprise and Advanced Scholarship Committee our Advanced Scholarship Policy has been updated.  Now academic colleagues submitting funding proposals for research grants or knowledge transfer projects are able to count their proposal as a scholarly output. 

In order to support colleagues in their bid writing activities, a number of workshops have been arranged for FCES staff.  We still have a few places available and are able to offer these to colleagues from across the University.  Details are below.  If you would like to reserve a place, please contact us via externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk.  These sessions will also be offered during Staffs Fest.

Writing KTP Applications Wed 26th Feb 1:00pm – 4:00pm K152 Octagon Building
A Guide to Bid Writing Wed 26 March 1:00pm – 4:00pm K152 Octagon Building
Writing KTP Applications Wed 30th April 1:00pm – 4:00pm R350 Science Building

The updated Advanced Scholarship Policy can be viewed here: Advanced Scholarship FINAL V2 Jan 2014.


An audience with our National Teaching Fellows


The Higher Education Academy’s National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) Scheme is a fantastic way to recognize your excellence in learning and teaching. To provide you with successful candidates’ views, come and join our audience with Dr Liz Boath and Emeritus Prof. Bernard Moss to find out more about the scheme and most importantly the benefits of being an NTF – not just the £10,000 to be used for your own professional development

The first of these sessions will take place in Stoke on 14th January 2013 at 1.00 pm till 2.00 pm in BG46, Brindley Building. A few places are still available for Staffordshire University staff. So if your interest is sparked and you want to know learn more from Liz and Bernard, then contact Liz at E.Boath@staffs.ac.uk to confirm your attendance.

If you would like to know more about the NTF scheme in general, then follow this link http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/ntfs




Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN and RISE Training Event

***Addition to this blog -Two dates in the UK have been added to this training event.

  • University of Glasgow, Tuesday 21 January 2014
  • University of Westminster, Wednesday 29 January 2014

Further details here:http://www.ukro.ac.uk/mariecurie/events/Pages/proposal_writing_itn_rise.aspx


There will be an information day on making applications to the Marie Curie ITN and RISE funds. This event is ideal for anyone who missed the Universities Marie Curie talk last Wednesday or is considering applying.

ITNs are Innovative Training Networks. They aim to create training programmes between the academic and non-academic sector to exchange knowledge and ideas into products and services for economic and social benefit.

RISE funds are Research and Innovation Staff Exchanges. They are staff exchanges to share knowledge and ideas from research to market. They are for academics and non-academics.

The event will be on Wednesday 15 January 2013 in Brussels, but can also be followed by webstream. This stream will start 12:45pm.
The deadline for ITN applications is 9 April 2014.
The deadline for RISE applications is 24 April 2014.

Additional Information

These funds are part of the new Horizon 2020 calls. Anyone who is still not sure what Horizon 2020 is all about can get an overview on the UKRO website, plus fact sheets.

If you have not used this site before you will need to set up an account to access the information. The University is a subscriber to UKRO.




In the Supreme Court UK this week: Disclosure of previous warnings or cautions in a Student’s past and the right to private and family life

In the Supreme Court this week (The Queen on the Application of T v Secretary of the Home Department and others, there was consideration of the thorny issue of disclosure of a person’s past in terms of ‘spent’ criminal convictions; including cautions warnings and reprimands, and in this appeal to minors (persons under 18).

The case is of interest because in the case of one of the Appellants, T, born on 3 May 1991, when aged 11, received two warnings from the police in connection with two stolen bicycles. Although the warnings were in the jargon “stepped down” – in that only the police would retain access to the warning or caution, and not be disclosable to third parties. Nonetheless, when T sought to apply to study at University, the University sought an Enhanced Criminal Record Certificate (ECRC) and received notification of the stepped down warnings. It was apparent that stepping down the cautions and warnings, was not a procedure the police could follow, and they were obliged pursuant to amendments made to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, to disclose details of the warnings to the University upon request.

The Court of Appeal decision is attached, containing the full facts of all the combined appeals (with appeals in relation to more serious offences than the alleged theft of two bicycles in the case of T.

It will be helpful to have clarification as to the extent to which a person in a similar situation to T, being minors at the time of offending, making applications into further education, and then into employment would continue to be either required to continue to disclose their own past, or be affected by disclosure of previous offences by third party agencies. The Court of Appeal indicated that in their view such disclosure was disproportionate and in breach of his Article 8 rights (please see the Court of Appeal decision for the wording of Article 8 – right to respect for private and family life), and it remains to be seen whether the Supreme Court would take a similar view.

The facts of the case of T, potentially relevant to those entering in to full time education or employment, with similar past infractions, are set out in the Court of Appeal judgment attached.


Horizon 2020 briefing sessions

As we are coming close to the launch of the first series of Horizon 2020 calls on December 11th, Beta Technology and the Environment Sustainability Knowledge Transfer Network (ESKTN),are organising webinars on 5th December on the following topics:

  • 10.00 – 11.00: Food Security Societal Challenge (Jane Watkins, UK National Contact Point for Food Security Challenge)
  • 11.00 – 12.00: Climate Change Societal Challenge (Catherine Holt, UK National Contact Point for Climate Change)
  • 14.30 – 15.30: SME Instrument (Steve Bradley, UK National Contact Point for SMEs)

The webinars can be viewed via http://tinyurl.com/esktntv. Further information from Beta Tehcnology at http://www.betaeurope.co.uk/news.htm



Tender on Tourism Education in Europe

This tender looks like it could be interesting for the Business School as it is looking at the education offered on tourism across Europe.

Funding Body: European Commission
Scheme: Mapping and performance check of the supply side of tourism education and training
Overview: Tenders for its mapping and performance check of the supply side of tourism education and training. The tenderer will study the education and training offered for the tourism sector and assess its performance in delivering the qualitative skills needed on the labour market.
Transnational consortia are encouraged to submit tenders. A minimum number of partners is not specified.
The tourism occupations targeted primarily by this contract derive from the following

  • Accommodation
  • Food and beverage
  • Entertainment, recreation, attractions
  • Travel support services

Budget: Funding is worth an estimated €500,000 over a period of 13 months.
Deadlines: 24/10/13
Further Information: https://etendering.ted.europa.eu/cft/cft-display.html?cftId=359 –Download the technical specifications document


UKCGE events

The UK Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship has published its events calendar for the 2013/14 academic year.Topics cover a variety of areas and include The Challenges of Working with International Postgraduate Students, Impact in Research, Research Ethics, and Using new technologies in delivering Research Skills and Professional Development Training.  Some are free to attend and the type of event varies from workshops, conferences to study trips.

Further information at http://www.ukcge.ac.uk/main/events