Visit TAMK in Finland on Erasmus Funding

One of our key partners in the Business School is TAMK in Finland. The Business School has held staff and student exchanges with them. TAMK are currently a partner on an Erasmus+ Strategic partnership bid with Staffordshire University.

This year TAMK has 9 international themed weeks for academic and support staff, they have invited us to attend the workshops. As they are one of our Erasmus partners we already have an approved budget to attend, you just need to ask your faculty to use your Erasmus+ Key Action 1 budget for your travel and accommodation costs.

Sessions include:

  • International week on engineering
  • International week for business and services
  • International week for art, media and music
  • International week for social services and health care
  • International week for non-teaching staff

More details on the TAMK international weeks are here:

Winston Churchill memorial trust: Travelling fellowships

Winston Churchill


The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust invites applications for its travelling fellowships. These enable British citizens to travel overseas in order to bring back knowledge and best practice for the benefit of others in UK professions and communities. Applications are invited in the following areas of research:

•crafts and makers;


•early years prevention and intervention;


•environment, sustainable living and horticulture;

•medicine, health and patient care;

•mental health;

•new approaches to housing;

•science, technology and innovation;

•young people;

•open category.

Applicants must be British citizens, resident in the UK and at least 18 years old by the end of the year.

Grants usually support travel for four to eight weeks and cover economy return flights to the UK, internal travel in the destination countries, and food and accommodation while travelling. Visa fees, vaccinations cost and insurance are also paid for.

Closing date 22 Sep 15

Travel overseas with Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill Memorial travel fellowships cover a range of research areas. The annual call has been launched this should be of interest to all faculties.

Funding Body: Winston Churchill Memorial Trust

Scheme: Travelling fellowships

Overview: Fellowships enable British citizens to travel overseas in order to bring back knowledge and best practice for the benefit of others in their UK professions and communities. Applications are invited in the following categories:

•the arts and older people;

•early years prevention and intervention;

•environment and sustainable living;

•prison and penal reform;

•young people 18-25;

•crafts and makers;



•medicine, health and patient care;

•science, technology and innovation;

•open category.

Applicants must be British citizens.

Grants usually support a stay of between four and eight weeks and cover return and internal travel, daily living costs and insurance.

Deadlines: 23 September 2014 –this call is made once a year.

Further Information:

Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill Memorial Trust – 2015 Travelling Fellowships


The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust are looking for people who will be able to undertake research overseas and on return disseminate their new knowledge and examples of best practice.

Applications are now open for 2015 Travelling Fellowships.

Applicants must demonstrate that their project will have a wider benefit within their community or field, in addition to their own personal development.

Grants cover return and internal travelling, daily living and insurance within the countries visited. No qualifications are required.

If you would like to apply please go to our website, check your eligibility, find the correct category for your project and apply online


Travel funding for ethics in biomedical work

This fund from the Wellcome Trust covers travel funding for people looking at the social or ethical aspects of biomedical research.

Funding Body: Wellcome Trust

Scheme: Small Grants

Overview: This scheme is for small-scale research projects, scoping exercises or meetings whose subject matter falls within the remit of the Society and Ethics programme.

This programme supports research that explores the social and/or ethical aspects of biomedical research and health, with the ultimate aim of achieving extraordinary improvements in human and animal health.

Key strands:
(1) consider social, economic and cultural factors that influence health, biomedical or health research, the development and implementation of healthcare practices, and health interventions
(2) inform answers to questions about resolving ethical dilemmas arising from biomedical or health research, the development and implementation of healthcare practices, and health interventions.

Research trips under this scheme may be to consult libraries or archives.

This scheme can also provide institutions with financial support for conferences (or a session within a conference), symposia, seminar series etc.

Budget: The normal maximum that can be applied for is £5000.

Awards provide a contribution towards expenses normally incurred in travelling to consult libraries or archives, such as transport, accommodation, subsistence and photocopying costs. They may include the costs of overseas visits.

Support does not include university fees or the applicant’s costs in attending a conference.

Costs for conferences and meetings may include the travel and accommodation of keynote speakers, catering, conference pack publication and any reasonably justified associated expenses.

Deadlines: Open call –applications may be submitted at anytime

Further Information:


Funding for Conferences in China on any subject

This find contributes towards fees and living expenses. Applicants include British postgraduate students (i.e. UK citizens only) giving conference papers in China, or travelling to China to pursue essential doctoral research.

Funding Body: Great Britain-China Educational Trust

Scheme: Student awards

Overview: The Great Britain-China Educational Trust invites applications for its student awards. These support Chinese students studying for a PhD in any subject at a UK university as well as British postgraduate students giving conference papers in China, or travelling to China to pursue essential doctoral research. Chinese students must have started their third year before they are eligible to submit their application. Students may only apply twice for the award.

Budget: The maximum award amount is £3,000. The most common amount awarded is between £1,500 and £2,000.

Deadlines: 19 April 2014

Further Information:


Funding for travel to commonwealth countries

The Association of Commonwealth Universities Early Career Academic Grants Scheme is now open.



As a member of the Association of Commonwealth Universities, Staffordshire University is able to apply for Early Career Academic Grants for conference or meeting attendance. The grants are for up to £2000 for early career researchers to travel abroad and build research connections.  This Association of Commonwealth Universities scheme have 100 grants available, applications are to be received by 7th February. 

Further information at

Travel Funding for US, Brazil, Mexico,Thailand and more

British Council has funding for Early Career Researchers to travel to nineteen countries across the world for up to three months. This is part of the British Council Research Links Scheme. Funding can also include a partner country visiting the UK.

Different countries have different priority areas and these can be found in the guidelines. If no priority areas are specified, all research areas are covered.

The countries involved at this stage are; Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Morocco, Egypt, Qatar, South Africa, Nigeria, Russia (Humanities and Social Sciences only), Turkey, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Thailand, Indonesia, South Korea, Vietnam and Bangladesh. For this call placements involving the United States are also eligible, in specific areas which focus on using the humanities and social sciences in an interdisciplinary environment.

Deadline 23:59 GMT 24th November 2013

Guidelines and further information are on the British Council Website


Funding to Share Teaching and Learning Between Staff

Two calls which may be of interest to a broad range of academics have come out from the Higher Education Academy (HEA). The University submits a number of bids to the HEA each year with reasonable levels of success.

These calls are usually repeated each year.

Scheme: Workshops and seminars

Overview: Institutions to host and deliver a workshop or seminar and to produce an associated report for. The aims of the series are to disseminate research or evaluation work and share evidence-based policy or practice. Thematic call areas: •STEM •social sciences •arts and humanities •thematic-focused call.

Budget: Grants are worth up to £750.

Deadlines: 31 July 2013

Further Information:

Scheme: Departmental scheme grants

Overview: These support single departments in higher education institutions to encourage cooperation between colleagues in the enhancement of learning and teaching. Successful applications will demonstrate team impact across a department. See the website for this year’s key themes.

Budget: Applicants may request up to £30,000 for projects lasting up to 15 months.

Deadlines: 02 August 2013

Further Information:


Funding for Staff Exchanges

The European Commission are running a final round of funding under the Marie Curie Fellowships.  They help academic staff in different countries to develop their experience, or bring new expertise to Institutions. The three types of fellowships are open to all kinds of research areas.

IIF –International Incoming Fellowships -Experienced researchers outside the EU carry out high level research in an EU institution for 2-3 years –These are useful if you know someone from outside Europe that you would like to bring to the UK to work at the University.

IEF-Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development – Experienced researchers develop a long term training plan enable them to advance significantly in their career. They go to a host organisation in Europe for 12-24 months. An interesting way for Staffordshire University to get involved with these might be if you know someone in another European country that you would like to get over to the UK.

IOF –International Outgoing Fellowships for Career Development – Experienced researchers carry out high level research in countries outside of the EU for up to three years. These projects might be of interest if you feel you wish to work in a different country for a number of years, you will need to know where you want to work.

You have until 14 August 2013 to apply.

Applicants will need a clear project idea, as the EU is looking for quite detailed bids. However, if your project idea is well defined, it is a relatively straightforward application process.

The funds do not cover University overheads. It is essentially a flat rate payment to the staff doing the exchange and flat rate payment for a management fee.

Staffordshire University has not made as much use of these funds as we could have done, we don’t have any applications in the pipeline at the moment, whereas Keele University are looking at submitting fourteen bids! The External Projects Team is able to support with bid writing, but advise that you start working it up as soon as possible, if you are interested in applying please email If you don’t think you are ready to apply for this round it is expected that similar funding opportunities will be available next year in the in new Horizon 2020 programme.

Further details:
