This fund from the Wellcome Trust covers travel funding for people looking at the social or ethical aspects of biomedical research.
Funding Body: Wellcome Trust
Scheme: Small Grants
Overview: This scheme is for small-scale research projects, scoping exercises or meetings whose subject matter falls within the remit of the Society and Ethics programme.
This programme supports research that explores the social and/or ethical aspects of biomedical research and health, with the ultimate aim of achieving extraordinary improvements in human and animal health.
Key strands:
(1) consider social, economic and cultural factors that influence health, biomedical or health research, the development and implementation of healthcare practices, and health interventions
(2) inform answers to questions about resolving ethical dilemmas arising from biomedical or health research, the development and implementation of healthcare practices, and health interventions.
Research trips under this scheme may be to consult libraries or archives.
This scheme can also provide institutions with financial support for conferences (or a session within a conference), symposia, seminar series etc.
Budget: The normal maximum that can be applied for is £5000.
Awards provide a contribution towards expenses normally incurred in travelling to consult libraries or archives, such as transport, accommodation, subsistence and photocopying costs. They may include the costs of overseas visits.
Support does not include university fees or the applicant’s costs in attending a conference.
Costs for conferences and meetings may include the travel and accommodation of keynote speakers, catering, conference pack publication and any reasonably justified associated expenses.
Deadlines: Open call –applications may be submitted at anytime
Further Information: