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Living in halls

February 20, 2015 Annrose 0

So maybe you’ve already had all your offers back, and you’ve already decided on what university you will be going to. Maybe it’s far and you already know you are going to be living in […]

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Beating Low Confidence

February 9, 2015 Charlize 0

I know people are battling shyness, me being one of those people and coming to university, especially if you have come alone can make things even worse. When it comes to talking to people and […]

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Balancing Act

February 9, 2015 Emma 0

One of the things most students don’t think will be a problem is balancing their studies with going out. University is nothing like school, you have much less timetabled contact time with lecturers, which means […]

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Assignment Advice

February 9, 2015 Charlize 0

It’s time for second semester and a lot of us have assignments to do, maybe more than one which can leave us feeling stressed and wondering where to start and that’s why I’m here to […]

piggy bank in neon pink


February 9, 2015 Joe 0

Budgeting is a big part of university that no one really wants to talk about. As you may know, you get a student maintenance loan, the loan is to help you live as a student. […]

Staffordshire University Students' Union Logo

The Students’ Union

February 9, 2015 Joe 0

The students union plays a big part in your university experience. If you ever have any problems they are your first port of call, whether thats to do with university, your course, accommodation or home […]