Changing degree courses

Staff member helping a studentPicking a degree to study is a decision we have all made at least once, however I personally have made this decision two times and some of my friends have made this decision even three times.

Before I came to university I was nervous about choosing my degree course, I was under the impression that once I’ve enrolled that’s it…I have to study this degree until my graduation. So I picked something that I was interested in at that time, however after three months of studying I realised it wasn’t for me, I didn’t know what to do. So I had a meeting with my course leader to discuss my issue and they said “why don’t you change degree course?”. As a result I changed my course to something that i was more comfortable studying!

Looking back I can honestly say changing courses was probably the best decision I have made during university as I now studying something I find engaging and incredibly interesting. I expect most people’s interests, regarding their studies, change; especially when exposed to a range of new study topics.

Therefore it is important to be aware of the options you have to help you pick a degree that truly interests you. I know at Staffordshire University if you have any issues regarding your course choice you can always contact your personal tutor to discuss your concerns, they seem to be more than welcome to help!

Essentially if you ever feel like your interests are changing and you no longer find something within your degree interesting, speak to you personal tutor. More often than not they will be able to help you and sort your issues out! I think the key to learning and progressing in your field is to enjoy what you are learning, this way the progression should just occur unconsciously.