Dealing with bad A-level results

This is a subject that is quite close to my heart, and I still remember results day like it was yesterday. Although everyone told me that I did fine, I still feel like I didn’t do as best as I could. As someone who did pretty well in GCSE’s (A*s, A’s and B’s), I thought I could do the same in my A-levels. However I didn’t get the results I wanted, but I still got into uni and am doing the course that I wanted to do. I ended up getting an A* for my Extended Project that I did in year 13, an E for one of my AS levels that I wish to forget about, 2 B’s and a C.

So I didn’t get U’s, but I was predicted A’s and ended getting those grades. Of course it wasn’t the end of the world, but I didn’t get into my firm choice. This is heartbreaking, and I was so upset that I didn’t even realise the fact that I got into my insurance choice. I don’t really have much advice, just things to think about.

1. It really isn’t the end of the world

I actually thought it was, and I was so scared to tell my mother that I kept rejecting her calls to avoid telling her. But when I did, she was so proud of me, and all my friends and teachers were proud of me. Looking back, I realise now that bad results aren’t the be all and end all. If you get really bad grades and don’t get into university, there are things you can do: go through clearing, take a gap year, or resit. These aren’t the easiest of choices, but if you really want something, you will work for it.

2. Exams don’t define you

I know the reason why I messed up my A-levels, and it was nothing to do with my intelligence. Exams are a standard way to assess people from different backgrounds and different learning styles, and it can be quite unfair. This is one thing that I still struggle with, but all I can advice is that you reflect on what went wrong, and just learn from it, and remember you are not your grades.

3. Look after yourself

Whilst I was doing my A-levels, I wasn’t really looking after myself, physically and mentally. This affected the way I learnt, and my A-levels have really affected me. Not doing so well in something can make you feel that you will fail everything, or that you are not intelligent enough. This isn’t true, and as I said before, don’t let your grades define you.

4. Create a plan

What are you going to do next? Have you got into your insurance uni? Then plan on what to bring to uni. I had to quickly join all the uni pages to meet people, and quickly apply for accommodation. It is very important to create a plan, and if you are not sure on what to do, then speak to your teacher, a Careers Advisor or go on the forum The Student Room, which is a great place to get some help.

5. Celebrate

I made sure to celebrate after I got my results, because I realised that I actually finished my A-levels. Many people start A-levels and drop out, so the fact that you have stuck to the end is something to celebrate, no matter the results. If you know that you worked hard, then that should be celebrated. Go for food with your friends, or go out, just forget your results for a moment. If you got a plan or a rough idea, then just spend some time to forget about your results and just enjoy being with your friends.

These are just some of the things that helped me on results day. I hope no one gets bad results, but these things can happen. Just remember to always be kind to yourself, and that completing your A-levels in itself is a cause for celebration!

Ann 🙂