Work Experience and Opportunities

media opportunityMost courses encourage you to try and get some work experience during your time at University. With my course its a part of our final year to get at least a three week work placement in the industry, and we get graded on it.

I was very lucky to get through the application process for the BBC, and ended up getting a months placement at their base in Media City in Salford, working as part of their Current Affairs team on Rip Off Britain.

Staffs supports whatever road you want to go down, and the lecturers will email you with any new opportunities that arise in your field, and are always available to offer you advice. Through the university I got to cover the general election in Newcastle-Under-Lyme for Sky, which was an amazing opportunity which I wouldn’t have without Staffordshire.

Work experience is essential for building a CV, and helping to get jobs. Through participating in work experience it can often lead to a job, or at least more work experience in other fields. My placement at the BBC has given me the confidence to apply for different experiences, in sports, celebrity, music, magazines anything, that may help to build my skill set.

My advice to anyone who is uhhming and ahhing over weather to apply for a placement, or a volunteering scheme or even a new job is just to go for it. You have nothing to lose, and if you get it then it’s the start of a whole new experience for you and could lead to better things.

