What you aren’t told to bring to Uni

No doubt everyone makes lists with their parents about ‘What to take to university” such as bedding, glasses, cutlery all the usual things. But what about items which are a little more unusual and aren’t on your regular ‘what to take list’, but I know come in useful over your time in halls, and even once you move out!

So here are my top 5 things I would recommend bringing to university that probably won’t make some other lists;

1. Under bed boxes

Storage boxWithout being rude about most universities, you will probably have to economise your space big time, but that doesn’t mean that you’ll have to get your parents to lug half your belongings back home with them. Most plastic under bed boxes can be bought pretty cheap at around £10 for two, and because they fit under your bed you can put any number of things in them, shoes, more clothes, alcohol, toiletries, etc. This will help you to feel like your not living in a shoebox and will help you find things easier

Wire coat hanger2. Coat Hangers

I realise that this may seem a little obvious but I myself didn’t bring nearly enough coat hangers with me to uni, and the ones I did seemed to grow legs and run away. Coat hangers can also double up as an airer if you don’t have enough space or forgot to bring one with you, useful for hanging towels out to dry over a radiator without running the risk of starting a fire!

3. Airer

Cat on a clothes airerWhile the universities offer a washer and dryer in the laundry room, they most likely won’t be as good as your own personal one at home, with hundreds of students using them and not cleaning them out as they should they never would do. So I would recommend saving your money when it comes to the tumble dryers and invest in an airer or two. You can pick them up reasonably cheap at most home stores, or get a larger one for slightly more money and know that it won’t fall over every two minutes. These along with your extra coat hanger dryers will make sure that all your clothes are fresh and dry in no time!

Skeleton shaped corkscrew4. Bottle Opener, with a Corkscrew

Again this sounds dead obvious, but you would be surprised how many times students think that their screw top bottle of wine or other alcohol is just that, and get it home to have to break out the big knives, (or sharp pen tops if you’re really skilled) to get the cork out! Save yourself the hassle and just bring a bottle opener with a corkscrew on it with you, two birds with one stone.

Emma with a friend in LRV5. School Uniform (Yes really!)

I’m aware that nearly everybody coming to university won’t have had to wear a school uniform for a while, or ever if you were really lucky. However if theres one staple you need in your fancy dress wardrobe it is this. You can’t go wrong in freshers week with a group of you dressed up as schoolgirls, and rather than running round primark finding ties and shirts, having your old one to hand is so much easier. School uniform is the easiest fancy dress to get involved with, as 99% of everyone will have worn one.

Hopefully this will give you some more ideas about the less practical items to bring to university!

