Pre-Enrolment Day for Student Midwives

two students sitting at a table making notes and eating cakesDuring August, my cohort thought it would be a good idea to create a special pre-enrolment day for the new student midwives. This would be a good way for them to meet each other, meet us and then help to break the ice.



Group of students practicing with medical equipmentThe day was organised by everyone in my midwifery cohort, with help from our lovely lecturer. We decided to have some activities to help the new students to communicate with each other but also learn and prepare themselves for the crazy world of midwifery!


One of the activities we had for the new students was a crossword,that was to be solved by riddles, which was actually really fun. We then told them about key things to prepare before commencing the course, which we thought would be beneficial. We also hosted a pub quiz which included a picture round and some other fun things to test their pre-existing knowledge and just to have a laugh.
cakes, sweets and books on a tableSome of the girls brought in some books, timesheets and planners that the new students found useful to look at and to help them decide what they wanted to get for the course. With the help from our lecturer, we had some midwifery-related equipment out such as a blood pressure cuff, fake wee samples for urinalysis, an abdomen and some dolls! It was such a good experience for ourselves to teach the new student midwives how we used these equipment in our practice!
Chocolate cake with cohort 2015 written on the topLast but not least, the cake! So much cakes and biscuits were brought for everyone to have…they were so nice!





three students practicing with medical equipmentIt was really nice for so many of the new student midwives to show up and it was a nice day to bond with my cohort.,The feedback from the new students showed that the event was a huge success and we know what can be done for next year to make it even better!