TV shows every Uni student should binge watch

Micheal Jackson Gif

Everyone deserves a little break from time to time and what best way to relax than to binge on some amazing TV shows.

But sometimes we face one of life’s toughest challenges.

“What do you want to watch?”

“I don’t know what do you want to watch?”


When I was a student I used to love spending my time locked away in my room watching some of my favorite TV shows.  It might seem like its really anti-social but honestly it can be a great conversation starter, you would be surprised how quickly you can bond with someone over your love or hate for a fictional character.

So I have saved you some of the trouble of endless searching for good shows. Here are some great shows you and your housemates can binge watch.

Teen Shows

What do you get if you mix 30 something year olds playing high-school teens plus endless scandals and love triangles? Well a perfect recipe for an American teen show that’s what.

One Tree Hill 

one tree hill

Summary-  About two hot brothers who play basketball and have an evil father…drama ensues.  Oh and there are love triangles, cheating and more love triangles.

Gossip Girl

gossip girl

Summary- Rich young super elite high school kids spend more time creating scandal than doing essays.  P.S They look really stylish doing it.

If teen shows are not really your cup of tea and you find them really unrealistic then maybe you will enjoy some of these supernatural shows…which are even more unrealistic.

The Vampire Diaries 

Summary- Vampires, Blood, Love triangles.

I have to admit I was mostly hooked to this show during its earlier seasons, however after a while I started to lose track and all the deaths and resurrections started to get a bit too much for me.  But this show is a perfect conversation starter…like which Salvatore brother do you prefer?


The Originals

the originals

The Vampire Diaries spin- off..its still in early seasons so that basically means that they haven’t exhausted many story lines and character pairings yet…in other words it’s still really good and watchable.

Reality TV

If you’re tired of your own life’s drama and enjoy watching other people’s train wreck lives and cat fights then these shows are just for you.

micheal jackson

Real housewives – Summary- About grown women spreading rumours and bad mouthing each other. Basically like high school but just with grown married women.

Keeping up with the Kardashians- Summary- About a family who have no limits in what they share with the public . Perfect television.

Smart people shows

I call these smart people shows because you have to pay attention the majority of the time.

Suits- Summary- This show makes law seem so much fun and it’s quite educational. I think I’m pretty much ready to be a lawyer now.

Game of thrones- I will be honest I haven’t really watched this show. I tried to watch a couple of episodes and couldn’t quite get into it. I just thought I would put it on here since quite a lot of people like it, maybe you might too. I guess it’s basically about people getting naked and fighting each other…

 If you read through all of this and still didn’t like any of my suggestions, I have one more suggestion up my sleeve. And that is..

 F.R.I.E.N.D.S, everyone loves Friends. Wait, what’s that? you don’t… well then

phoebe friends