Becoming a student ambassador

Student Ambassador T-shirt

On my first open day at staffs uni I found all of the student ambassadors really helpful and great for making me feel welcome and like I could ask questions. Through the next two open days I attended here I had exactly the same feelings and when one of the ambassadors spoke about the fact that what they did was, in fact, a job I wanted to apply straight away.

Coming up to the start of term I kept my eye out for the job to be advertised, which I had been told was around the start of September. I applied straight away with my cv and received an application form back to fill in which not only gave the potential employers more information about me, but also gave me more information about the job I was applying for.

Once the deadline had passed for applications I was lucky enough to be invited for an interview. I always get so scared for interviews that even if it would be appropriate for me to talk about it in-depth (which it isn’t), I couldn’t because I don’t have any recollection of the interview.

One thing I was pleased about is that they inform you either way so you know that whatever happens you will find out by email. I understand why some employers only let the people know who have got the job and those that haven’t just assume after a while, when they haven’t heard, that they didn’t get it. Sometimes it is because they have so many people applying and having interviews that it is too much to let them all know. But in this case it was about a week after all the interviews finished that they would email everyone to let them know. Apparently they liked my interview so I got the job.

student ambassador top
My uniform for the job


First job as a student ambassador was to go to training on two consecutive Saturdays. This is mandatory and a condition of you getting the job that you attend. There was a lot of information given at these training days and it was also a good chance to get to know others that you would be working with.

My first day working as an ambassador was on a November open day and I loved it. The chance to help and direct people and talk to them about the uni and put to rest any worries they had. I met people who had come from all walks of life to the university for one purpose, because they wanted to better themselves and improve their education to help them in life. It was an amazing feeling to know that I helped, just a tiny bit, in this journey for them.

My next work day as an ambassador is a schools and colleges open day which I am really looking forward to because we can reach so many young people and give them more information about university. For me it’s not about a hard sell but about giving them all the facts to understand the decision they need to make and the options they have. I feel this and the visit to the university will be enough for many of them to choose staffs uni but even if they don’t I enjoy knowing that I have helped in some way to them making the right decision for them.