The Return To University…

Virgin Train at Stoke-on-Trent station

Virgin Train at Stoke-on-Trent  stationAfter taking four weeks away from university for the Christmas holidays it was a little difficult to come back. Living 200 miles away from home can be difficult, especially in the first year and with a few changes over the holidays, including the start of a new relationship, it was difficult to want to get in the car and come back to university.

The first week back was interesting, everyone is trying to get their footing again, everyone has had changes over christmas and everyone is still rather homesick. It’s hard to take in all the changes and coming back to a different location from home adds another challenge of things to deal with.

The return to university has seen many changes. New classes, new classrooms (even if by now in your first year you think you know where you are going, you don’t when semester two brings new rooms to the timetable.) and the chance for new adventures. Next week the Radio Production class are heading to Manchester to visit media city and I cannot wait to experience a new city.

Fellow blogger, Jas and I have looked at the most incredible libraries and it looks as though our little Manchester trip will bring out the old people in us both! I will catch you up with some pictures from our trip in the next couple of weeks!

