Final Week../Varsity Gobble

Charlize at Varsity Gobble with friends
Varsity Gobble
Varsity Gobble
Varsity Gobble

I officially finish university for good on the 28th of this month and to say I’m excited is an understatement. These past three years have been full of so many ups and downs and I’ve met some great people that will hopefully lead to lifelong friendships. All the hard work is finally going to pay off and I can have my freedom again! (lol).

Throughout these three years I feel that my greatest accomplishment has been gaining some of my confidence back, I’ve been able to interact with a lot more people that I did at college and I’ve also developed on my communication skills thanks to placement. Although I’m excited to go back home because I miss my family so much, I definitely will miss Stoke-on-Trent. It’s a place that once you leave you want to come back and I think I’ll have that feeling for a while.

In terms of lessons learned from this uni experience, procrastination is a big no no and will make things so much harder for you in the long run when you’re trying to get a 3000 words essay in a couple days. Plan! Plan! Plan your time, even if you spread your work out in a couple weeks so a couple hundred words a day, you’ll get it done before the deadline I promise.

On another note, who went to Varsity Gobble? I had such a great time! I hadn’t been in LRV for a very long time and forgot how good A San Francisco tastes. It seemed like everyone was enjoying themselves so I’m definitely looking forward to final Friday.


  1. Congratulations Charlize – I hope you achieve many more goals, you have a great future ahead of you ?

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