Being clear on Clearing

Clearing Made Clear

“”Clearing is for failures””….this is a common myth! So let’s be clear about Clearing.

Clearing isn’t just for those who didn’t get the grades they expected. Many students over achieve what they expected to and use Clearing. Some people have changed their minds and now want to come to university, it might just be an opportunity to finally do what we wanted to all along. But if you do find yourself in Clearing for whatever reason look at it as a positive change.

Around 10% of students come through Clearing each year. It’s just a set of circumstances you have found yourself in for whatever reason. EMBRACE IT! What I would say is don’t rush into it. Don’t make any rash or immediate decisions on a course. Make sure the course is right for you; look at Clearing as you’re taking a different direction to what you had already planned.

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Have a look at what the university course entails – and not just the first year either. Different universities offer different option modules and you might find a better fit. Look at the resources, accreditations and connections the university has to offer. See what the university is doing for the students too! After all it is all about us. When you call Staffordshire University Clearing you’ll talk to an academic in your chosen area – so ask them all these things, and if you are thinking of trying other universities ask them too – then you can compare.

I would advise you are patient during Clearing though. It’s a busy period for universities. My top tip after going through the experience last year is make sure your phone is charged! Get a pen and paper handy too, and check all your email boxes as mail can end up in spam or junk. And whatever you do – don’t panic! Everyone at Staffordshire University is here to help you – we will never just no and goodbye, we will give the best advice and options available to you.

Clearing isn’t the end of the line for you – it’s the opposite – it’s the beginning of your future, so be positive about it. Our campus is going through transformation too – but it’ll be ready for September, so we are all changing and adapting constantly. If I hadn’t made that call I wouldn’t be here, writing this, and getting my career, not just doing my job.

Hope to speak to you all on our Clearing lines soon

Clearing Made Clear

About Lauren 25 Articles
First year Health and Social Care Health and Social Care student. A mature student (by age only). Born, bred and supporter of Potters. Mum of one teenager and two nutty dogs

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