What do lecturers think about Clearing?

Clearing Made Clear

With all of this talking about Clearing I though it would be right to ask some of the lecturers around the Uni about their opinion of Clearing.

What are your thoughts on Clearing?

It’s a great alternative way to get people into university! Especially mature students who may not have been able to commit before the UCAS deadline, or for the younger generation who have changed their minds and decided university is for them. It’s also a great way for students who have overachieved in their exams to have other options they may not have thought they had originally.

If a course is in Clearing is it a good or a bad thing?

It depends on the university’s opinion. Here we embrace Clearing as we understand people change, both their opinions and life circumstances. Remember great minds don’t think alike!

What information will be asked when calling about Clearing?

The initial call handler will ask your personal information, along with your qualifications and your UCAS registration. When you speak to a lecturer at Staffordshire University about the course we will ask what your interests are, what your aims and future goals are. If you haven’t studied for a while we will ask what you have been doing.

If I don’t get the grades is there a point in trying through Clearing?

You should always call; it’s not just about the grades. A person’s age and experience counts too. There are many options such as foundation courses, access course and step up courses.

I haven’t been in education for over 20 years; I really want to, should I try Clearing?

Most definitely! Skills and learning change over time and there are plenty of ways to catch up academically if needed. Just because you’re not fresh out education doesn’t mean you don’t have valuable life skills, experience and expertise that are good foundations for you to bring to university.

I’m in Clearing – does that mean I’ve failed?

Certainly not! Just because you haven’t got a place at your first choice doesn’t mean you have failed. You may not have done as well as you thought, or you’ve done better, but there is always a route at Staffordshire University for you to get on to higher education. More importantly we can help you!

Will everyone else know I have come through Clearing?

No – is the simple answer. In September all students are ‘new’ students and all are treated the same. As lecturers we’re all delighted to have our new cohorts and every student matters equally to us. We all start together; go through the same journey and all graduate together.

How can I catch up with everything everyone else knows?

My first piece of advice is speak to the lecturers available during Clearing. Get hold of the handbook and look at the website content for the course. Enroll as soon as possible and then you can access the library resources, and read the pre-advised materials. For our school we have social media accounts where we post updates and current relevant events to, so it’s worth checking that out too!

I hope this puts a few minds at rest and busts some myths. I know I keep saying it, but unless you call and have that conversation you will never know. And a huge thank you to all the lecturers for their answers 🙂

About Lauren 25 Articles
First year Health and Social Care Health and Social Care student. A mature student (by age only). Born, bred and supporter of Potters. Mum of one teenager and two nutty dogs

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