Jaz’s Tips and Tricks: Back To Uni

Welcome Week 2015 - Stoke-on-Trent Moving in
Welcome Week 2015 - Stoke-on-Trent Moving in


September is just around the corner now and you know what that means, don’t ya?

It’ll be back to academic life for all of us, students and teacher alike as we dive back into our ‘university’ schedule. Now, whether that means staying up all day and night in the library, familiarizing ourselves with the degree we’re taking until we turn into babbling zombies for the rest of the year, or spending our nights clubbing with a misconception that university will be ‘carefree’.  Whatever the reason, whether you are returning to uni or you are starting your first year at Staffs, it’s going to be… intriguing.

Now, before we can even fully relax and return to the world of studying, there is one major factor to consider for many university students, that factor is… moving. That terrifying word in which we have to pack all the ‘important’ stuff from clothes, pens, books and of course an endless supply of washing up liquid and Surf tablets to last us throughout the year (when we all know they just about last us till December…).

I decided that unlike my first year, I wouldn’t go overboard and take almost everything in my room to university as that led to around three car journeys with the amount of stuff I took, which is really odd as it only took one car journey when I originally moved into my accommodation but I digress.

Throughout the summer, I decided to prioritize what stuff I really did use in my first year so if any of you first years are listening, this is going to save you a LOT of time and stress so listen up!

As I am a radio student, I naturally wanted to take my custom PC rig and studio microphone with me as I’d be using them a lot throughout the year.  So personally for me that was top priority.

But as this blog is for all students, I have compiled a mini list which I came up with that’ll benefit all students who are moving into accommodation in September. Drum roll please…

  1. Clothes! Oh, that doesn’t mean literally everything from your wardrobe, trust me… never doing that again. Pick out clothes that you know you’ll wear throughout the different seasons, for me personally that has been my large variety of hoodies (I do love my hoodies). If anything take as many underwear and socks as you can find as those can easily go missing when you live in a shared accommodation (you know who you are). For those night outs, definitely pick out a nice outfit or two as you know… we all want to impress someone on our mad night outs. Best thing about the holiday breaks are, it gives you time to come home, change the rotation of clothes and head back to uni, knowing you’ll have something new to wear for the semester. Remember a few good pairs of shoes too (you never know when a job interview might come your way.)
  3. All your toiletry items from a few toothbrushes and toothpastes, body wash, face wash, endless cans of deodorants, hairbrushes (for both the gents and ladies), beard trimmer, razor, floss, cotton buds, TOWELS (you get the idea, huh?)
  4. Cutlery, pans, dishes for you know… when you are not consuming junk food for a whole year. But don’t go TOO overboard. This also includes washing up liquid, sponges, and Surf tablets.
  5. Uni essentials from notepads, writing utensils (don’t go overboard as you’ll most likely end up with a tonne more from Welcome Week, if you’re a fresher or not.)
  6. Food and snacks. For those skint days but like I said… don’t go too overboard.
  7. MP3 player, books and other small belongings which will keep you entertained on those lazy weekends.

But yes, that should cover pretty much everything but if there is something I missed out, please do let me know in the comments.

Now, it’s back to packing for me as I realized I still have to pack some extra socks and boxers.


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About Jaz 43 Articles
I’m Jaz! You’ve arrived at my blog about life through a 22-year old’s eyes. I’ve chosen Staffs to take the first steps for my career within the radio industry and hope it will lead me to being a sound designer and produce Radio Dramas/Documentaries for the BBC! I love drinking copious amounts of green tea and watching classic Doctor Who episodes. I’m #ProudToBeStaffs because of the amount of banter! Students – listen up - get involved with as much as you can. University tends to flyby when you are having fun.

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