Zach’s Guide On Where To Celebrate Halloween!

So it’s October, the nights are drawing in, the cold is coming but most of all…img_3510
it’s FRIGHT TIME! For me there is no better month in the calendar year because there is something going on every weekend and even further a field there’s something most nights too. I’m all stoked up because Staffordshire really does celebrate Halloween with style! The scarier, the spookier, the better! Here’s my guide to celebrating Halloween around Staffordshire:

Alton Towers Scarefest –

With 3 amazing scare mazes, 2 creepy scare zones, a spooky family theatrical experience and all the amazing rides in the dark What more can you really ask
for ?!

Sub Species: End games

Alton ville mine tours – legend of the skin snatchers
Terror of the Towers
Are the 3 scare mazes, having experienced all three it’s safe to stay you are in for a treat, frights and jumps around every corner you’re really not safe! My personal favourite has to be Sub Species, the most extreme of the three, be prepared to be split up and left alone in the dark wondering which way to turn!
Freak Show
Dark apocalypse
Both amazing scare zones, do you dare be apart of the show ? Or will the zombies of Forbidden Valley eat your flesh? They both add an amazing atmosphere to the park and really give that Halloween feel.

If you like Halloween, being scared or rides in the dark make sure if you do one thing this Halloween it’s Scarefest. Tickets are available for students in the Students Union shop at student prices.

Screamfest Burton –


Little further a field is dedicated scare park with 5 amazing Scare mazes based on a farm just outside Burton, it really is a truly terrifying experience I’ve been going for the last 2 years and really fallen in love with the place every year the scares get better and better. This year the 5 mazes are:
Night Bringer – Join the experiment to find the answer to the ultimate img_3512question, is there life after death ?
Freakout – Roll up, Roll up…the circus is back in town!
Children of the corn – Do I really have to say anymore ?
Soul Seekers – Join soul seekers TV to investigate what’s going on in the grand hotel!
Love hurts – New for 2016, love will tear you apart.
With not just scare mazes but side attractions where you get to shoot real life zombies with paintball guns and food and drink stalls you’re never bored, plus the atmosphere really is spine tingling! I can’t wait to go back this year when it opens on 13th October. Don’t believe me ? Check out there website:

Finally the ultimate must for any student this Halloween is Halloween Gobble, a chance to get dressed up comedy, sexy or scary it doesn’t really matter…just no mankini’s lads…no one wants to see that.

Wednesday 26th October in LRV, one of the best themed nights of the year where almost every one dresses up and no one feels silly, well guess it depends what you go for but it’s all a laugh. The perfect way to celebrate Halloween if you don’t fancy doing some scare mazes or going trick or treating, which I think should be done on campus this year…get some sweets! You’ll probably spot me at Gobble because I tend to be the only one who goes full horror.


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