5 Ways to Reinvent Yourself for 2017

Taking up a gym membership could be your new year's resolution

Change up your style

This could be a new hair style or colour or some new wardrobe choices. Maybe it is a case of trying something daring and out of your comfort zone or it is allowing the real you to be free and wear what you want.

Improve your health and fitness

Taking up a gym membership could be your new year's resolution
Taking up a gym membership could be your new year’s resolution

Often diet and exercise plans start as the new year kicks in but that isn’t exactly what I mean here. Diets and exercise are great but I really mean simply making better life choice. This may be choosing to only have takeaway once a month instead of weekly or walking to university instead of taking the bus. It could also mean cutting down on the amount of sugar you consume or taking up a gym membership. I find the best way to stick to these changes are to make them a life change instead of a temporary thing and to do it for yourself and not because someone else told you to.

Change the way you work

Here I am talking about university work but this can be applied to other kinds of work too. The start of the new year also beings the start of semester two and is a great opportunity to look back over semester one and decide what went well and what didn’t go so well. For example, if you were very last minute in submitting assignments or didn’t get enough revision done for the exams, then now is a great time to make some changes. Start that assignment as soon as you get it and dedicate enough time to it, start revision as early as you can so you can get the best grade possible. It can be big or small changes, as small as making sure that you always bring a pen to lectures as you kept forgetting last semester.

Get started on revision as soon as possible - it will be worth it
Get started on revision as soon as possible – it will be worth it


Change a behaviour

This one is more to do with your personal life. Everyone has things that they do or habits they have that they want to change. It might be that you don’t make enough time for your friends, or that you never do the cleaning in your shared kitchen, or that you want to cut down on your alcohol consumption. Whatever it is, if you have noticed then so will other people and making the effort to change will make you and them happier in the long run.

Let your personality shine through

This one is perhaps my favourite. As a psychology student I know only too well how people put on a mask to the outside world. It is a protection mechanism and for some it is there to stop us getting hurt or from embarrassment of who we really are and a host of other reasons. Make 2017 your year where you are you and enjoy being free to express yourself. As Oscar Wilde said ‘Be yourself, everyone else is already taken’.

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