Moving away to university

First day on campus

So, it is only a few short months until September and for some of you reading this, that means moving away from home for the first time. Moving away to university is one of the scariest things I have ever done BUT it is one of the most rewarding too. I have become a much stronger and more independent person and learnt a huge number of life skills. Here are a few things to remember as you prepare to move away.

Ask your parents or guardians any questions you have about living independently, remember at some point they will have moved out of their parents’ house too.

When you leave for uni on the morning of move-in day, it might seem sad leaving your family and friends and house. But remember, you are going to university not to another planet so you will be back for a visit before you know it.

On the subject of keeping in touch, before you go make sure you and anyone you want to keep in touch with have skype all set up. This is a wonderful remedy for home-sickness.

Skyping my dog haha…

Packing up as much as you can is fine but remember you will only have a small room, so don’t take everything you own. Also, don’t forget that there are shops at Stoke so if you forget something it is not the end of the world and your parents can send it on if you really need it urgently.

It is absolutely normal to be nervous about moving and starting university but there is lots of support for you at Staffs. Student wardens, counsellors, your fellow students, personal tutors etc. There will always be someone to support you in whatever you need.

You will meet lots and lots of people during the first couple of weeks but you will meet lots more over the whole year.

Welcome week will be slightly crazy and very busy but it gets you settled in and ready to go the following week when course lectures begin.

Try to go to some of the events during welcome week as they are fun and get you used to campus life however, if you don’t want to go to some then don’t. I spent far too long thinking that I had to go to all the nightclub evenings when that really isn’t my thing and I found people really don’t mind.

Before you leave home, have a look on google maps for the nearest supermarket, shopping centre, doctors, hospital etc. It is best to have them figured out before you arrive. As a side note, there is a doctor’s surgery on campus which is super convenient.

Finally, try not to worry too much. Everyone is in the same boat and you will all muddle through together. I was terrified at leaving home and moving to university but I got through and within a couple of weeks I was settled in, had got to know my flat mates, knew my way round university, had a job, and started to get to know my course mates and lecturers. It all worked out for me and it will for you too.

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