5 Top tips for acing your Personal Statement

It’s UCAS season, everyone! That means you might be applying to university and – if you are – you will definitely be needing a personal statement. Yep, the big wall of writing with lots of restrictions and rules that is your chance to persuade universities to take you on. Scary, right? It doesn’t have to be! Here are my top tips for acing that personal statement…

1. Draft, draft, draft


Rome wasn’t built in a day. And neither was your epic personal statement. Think it’s perfect? Leave it a day and read through it again – have you missed anything? Your college tutor will most likely be happy to give you some feedback! There’s no shame in taking time to perfect it!

2. Love your potential course

You obviously love your subject, otherwise you wouldn’t be looking to study it at uni. Show that to whoever picks up your statement! What makes you want to get up every day and work in this field? How are you already showing this passion in your life? What about the course made you think ‘wow, I gotta do this’?

3. Don’t just think academic


You’re more than just your grades. A lot of people forget to show this in their statements, because we’re encouraged to showcase our academic abilities so much when looking into uni applications. But you most likely have something in your life that sets you apart from other applicants, and could really bring something to the course and university.

4. Let the ‘you’ shine through

(Picture relevance: I made reference to my cosplay prop-making work and the fact I did a bit of freelance photography. So, here’s me as Clippy the Paperclip)

The point of a personal statement is to give a quick snapshot into who you are and what you can bring to the course, to help a uni decide whether to take you further in the application process. This is why it’s so important to grab their attention from the start and really showcase the best you that you can be. Read through and see if the person the statement paints a picture of is anything like you. If it is, you’re going in the right direction! Get yourself remembered!

5. Use your resources!

Writing your statement is tough, nobody is under the illusion that it’s not. So, there are lots of resources out there to make it that little bit easier for you! But, be warned, not all sites are reputable and trustworthy. Try to stick to sites and brands you know. Why not try out Staffs Uni’s own ‘Helping Hand’ checker?

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