If you are disabled and are looking at which university to go to here are 10 reasons why should choose Staffordshire University:
The campus is compact
I am a wheelchair user and when I went on university tours I always asked about the size of the campus and if I would need to travel for lectures. When I came to see Staffs, I was happy to find that the campus was small and compact and that all my lectures would take place on one campus.
The campus sites are easy to get around
I wanted a university that I was able to access. Staffs has lifts in every building and is easy to get around in a wheelchair. I have invested in a Freewheel as some parts of the campus are a bit steep, but the plus side is you get a daily workout!
The accommodation is good for disabled students
The disabled rooms are a good size and have access to wet rooms. The kitchens have accessible worktops, hobs, ovens and sinks so there are no excuses for not cooking and cleaning up after yourself!
There are good support options for your studies
The university has an Enabling Centre who are on hand to help with applying for Disability Student Allowance and provide training for technology and hardware purchased through this. They provide support for students who are dyslexic, including dyslexia screening, and those who are deaf/hearing impaired or blind/visually impaired. There are also counselling and wellbeing services for those with a mental disability.
The teaching staff are very understanding
All my lecturers have been very understanding about my needs and have given me deadline extensions when required.
The Student Union also help with advice
I visited the Student Union for advice about benefits to help with the cost of living and was given helpful advice.
The students are on hand when needed
From day one I have been accepted as just being a student without the ‘poor you’ disabled vibe I often get. However, when I need it someone is always on hand to help with opening doors and carrying coffee.
There are lots of things to do on campus
There are three accessible venues on campus with two club nights at LRV, live sports and a karaoke night at Ember Lounge or the opportunity to just relax over a drink at Verve. There are lots of places to get hot or cold food. Plus, every building has somewhere to grab a coffee which helps when you are tired!
There are plenty of things to do off campus too
There are two cinemas close to the university which have wheelchair spaces. There are also nightclubs and bars and a good shopping centre in Hanley.
There is a good selection of disability sports around Staffordshire
I am playing wheelchair basketball with Stoke Spitfires and sit skiing at the Snowdome in Tamworth. There are plenty of other disability sports available in Staffordshire.