My Uni Room Tour

Annrose's room

Annrose's roomI managed to bag the biggest room in the house and have tried to make it as personal as possible. So I hope that you enjoy this glimpse into my room here at university.

My wardrobe isn’t the tidiest that you will find, but here I have all my clothes: jackets, tops, jeans and hoodies. On top of here I keep all my bags, which probably isn’t the best thing but it means that it doesn’t clutter my room.


In this top shelf I like to keep a few random things, including my very condensed collection of books. I also have this teddy bear that I got given at one of the places I did some work experience and it looks after my very special Bleach cards. Next to that you will find my automatic air-freshener, which definitely scares me at night when it randomly goes off. I also have my polaroid camera, my Beyoncé album, and a lot of nail polishes that I can’t wear because I am always on placement.

Shelf with Books, Teddy Bear, Freshener, camera and Beyonce album

On the bottom shelf I have all my toiletries, haircare stuff, perfumes and jewellery. And in the bottom drawer I have my underwear, scarves and socks.

Toiletries on top of a chest of draws

The desk: where I spend 50% of my time. As you see, I like to have a lot of inspirational quotes just to help keep me focused in life (very deep, I know). The majority of these were printed from Pinterest, and the colourful ones I actually bought in a pack from TK Maxx. I also have my pinboard that I got from Home bargains, with some polaroid pictures and lots of tickets. You will then find my MacBook, my cheap speakers and my little flower ensemble (from Wilkinsons and Home Bargains). I then have my very small make-up stash. Below I have all my paper work and random things hidden away.


I don’t have the biggest shoe collection and I definitely do want to grow it. But you know being a student; my money has to go on other things. I do wear trainers most of the time. Those black shoes on the end are my very ugly placement shoes that need to be replaced very soon.

Shoes all lined up against the wall

My bedside table is where I like to keep random things, such as painkillers and a candle. I also have this lamp that I got from Wilkinsons. I am very lucky to have a double bed! It’s not very interesting though and it definitely needs more pillows.


I have a few posters around my room, which all represent my personality. That baby one you ask? Well the midwife in me had to have this that and I got it for free from the Open University. It just explains how a baby develops inside and I just find it so amazing! I then have this display of all my polaroid pictures, which all remind me of the good times in my life.


And that is it for this quick room tour. I hope you enjoyed it. My room isn’t the best but I do think it’s important to make your room at university personalised. Mine is very random, but that just explains me as a person!

That’s all folks!



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About Annrose 63 Articles
Hi! I'm a 3rd year Midwifery student, and in my spare time you'll usually find me reading, listening to music or buying things I don't need! When I graduate I'm looking forward to becoming a registered as a professional at 21, and making a difference. I’m #ProudToBeStaffs because the university is friendly and has a real community feel.