Getting Ready for Welcome Week

Arriving at the university
Arriving at the university
Arriving at university


So now that exams are over it’s likely that you might be thinking about starting university. I know that I thought of nothing else for most of the summer. I was excited but quite nervous and uncertain too which is normal for such a big change particularly if you are moving away from home. Probably the part of going which occupied my mind most was the first week because that included leaving my parents and friends and settling in to my new accommodation with people I had never met and starting a course where I didn’t know anyone either. I’ll start from the beginning of Welcome Week and try to give you an insight into what happens or at least what happened for me.

The first day consisted of arriving, enrolling and collecting keys, moving all my stuff in and meeting my new flatmates. The first couple of days are critical for getting to know the people you will be living with for the rest of the year. Try to be open and friendly and lay foundations for a good relationship as you will be living together for the year. After your parents leave is a great time to all meet in the kitchen and talk. Talk about anything you like but just start to get to know each other. On my first evening there, our flat went to the move-in party in the LRV. I left this party quite early because it had been such a long day but if you stay to the end make sure to remember how to get back to your room.

welcome week
Going out with new friends


Sunday, me and one of my flatmates went for a walk round campus to find all the buildings we would need during the week to come. We also made a quick trip to the supermarket to stock up. After that I used the day to continue getting to know my flatmates and unpacking.

During the week there was lots going on. Academically there were inductions, meet and greets, and other seminars to get you ready for the semester ahead. One of the days there was a fresher’s fair and a clubs and societies fair. The fresher’s fair is very good for freebies and you will end up with bags and bags of stuff. The clubs and societies fair is really good to meet people from the clubs you are interested in and find out when their give it a go sessions are. Give it a go sessions run during fresher’s week and sometimes into the next week and basically you can go along without paying anything and give the club or society a go and see if it is something you wish to do in the future. You can do as many of these as you want and can fit into your schedule.

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About Alexandra 49 Articles
Hi, I’m Alexandra! Studying Psychology (BSc) in my second year, but in my spare time I enjoy baking, reading and walking in the countryside! I’m a member of the Psychology Society, and I hope to study a Masters and PhD when I graduate and then one day, to be a Psychology Researcher – it can really help to change people’s lives! My guilty pleasure is chocolate, I love it too much!

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