Why visit a Centre of Excellence Open Day?

What better way to connect with a university than attending one of their open days? By visiting the Centres of Excellence in Stafford or Shrewsbury, you can experience first-hand what it will be like to study here, whilst meeting your potential future lecturers! You’ll be able to look around the campuses specialised for the healthcare courses provided here. So, keep reading if you want to find out what to do at our open days and some tips to make the most of it!

When you arrive, you’ll be greeted by the student ambassadors in the red tops…they are a great source of information. They will be able to direct you to specific subject talks, accommodation tours and finance talks, so always go to them for help and information.

*Top Tip* Ask Questions – whether it’s about an aspect of a specific course, financial help or accommodation available, ask to your heart’s content! No question is silly and staff members working the open day want to help you.

There will be stalls around for specific subjects, accommodation and student finance, where you can receive information leaflets and ask questions. They are manned by friendly members of staff and current students, so don’t hesitate to ask for information and advice. You can also ask about accommodation options around where you want to study!

*Top Tip* Make a list of questions before hand – open days are all about finding out information, so I would recommend making a list of questions before you arrive. I suggest asking about placement opportunities, financial support and accommodation available.

I would recommend going to the specific subject talks whilst visiting the Centres of Excellence. Here you will find more about the course layout, specific modules and how it is taught. They are usually led by a lecturer and a student representative, and are very informative. By going to these, you can also check out the lecture rooms and see how modern and student-friendly they are.

*Top Tip* Connect with student representatives – they have already experienced what it is like to study at the Centres of Excellence, so they are an invaluable source of information. They will be able to honestly answer you about placement hours, taught modules and how they travel to placement.

There will also be tours throughout the day where you can look around the Centres of Excellence. I would really recommend going on one of these, as by looking around you can see what is available. You will be able to look around the library, which has specific resources for healthcare courses. You will also see the different study spaces, from group spaces to silent study and see how they are fit for each type of learner. You will also have an opportunity to check out the skills labs, which are always fun and engaging. Skills labs are where you will be learning practical skills and the University has recently invested to ensure we have the best equipment! You will also be able to look at social spaces and food courts such as Dudley’s at Stafford whilst also sampling the delicious food.

*Top Tip* Explore the town centre – studying in Stafford or Shrewsbury is a great opportunity as it has links to other great cities, whilst being affordable to live in. So why not plan to do a couple of hours of exploring after you’ve finished looking around the Centres of Excellence?

Open days at the Centres of Excellence are filled with opportunities to connect with Staffordshire University. Not only will you be able to look around the campuses, you will be able to engage with members of staff and current students to really see what it is like to study here. So come to the next open day, make the most of it with my top tips and have fun!

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About Annrose 63 Articles
Hi! I'm a 3rd year Midwifery student, and in my spare time you'll usually find me reading, listening to music or buying things I don't need! When I graduate I'm looking forward to becoming a registered as a professional at 21, and making a difference. I’m #ProudToBeStaffs because the university is friendly and has a real community feel.

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