Summer Holidays

University is over and everyone is back home for Summer enjoying the sun. I’m from London and the weather here has been impressing me which is a rare thing (lol). I love Summer in London as there’s many barbecues, parties and weddings to keep me occupied. Over the next month I’m experiencing two exciting things; my birthday and my graduation, I did a foundation degree which means I’m graduating only after 2 years but I’ll be doing a top up course in September for another year so I would have graduated twice! Many of us use the Summer holidays to chill and enjoy the weather as well as going abroad (which I unfortunately won’t be doing ) but apart from that there are many things you could do to prepare yourself for next year:

1- Work. University is not cheap and student finance doesn’t offer a whole lot so finding a job during Summer can not only mean that you have more to do during the holidays as you won’t be broke but you can also save some for next year to have some extra money in your pockets as well your loan (if you get any).

2- Read ahead. If your tutors have given you reading material for Summer.. READ IT! Trust me, they are not giving it to you for no reason, it will honestly help and make sure to do your own independent research as well to put you ahead of your classmates and it’s always nice to gain extra knowledge.

3- Work experience. If you can gain work experience based on what you’re studying then that will really help you. I’m studying Early Years Childhood Studies and my auntie owns a nursery so I can easily gain some extra experience from her although I did placement in my two years of university there’s no harm in doing some more.

I hope everyone has a great Summer and make sure to use sunscreen!