How It Felt To Get Into Uni

To say that the experience of getting into university was a rollercoaster of emotions would be a complete and utter understatement. When I started looking for a University, I fell completely and utterly in love with Staffordshire. And that is where this rollercoaster begins!

Stage 1: Infatuation

Once I decided I really liked Staffordshire, I visited the campus on one of their open days and I absolutely fell in love.


I knew this was where I wanted to go and my poor family and friends didn’t stop hearing me go on about it for the next few months – I had made my decision which brings me onto…

Stage 2: Stress

Of course In my head Staffordshire was where I was going but, me being unorganised me, I hadn’t sent off any relevant information for them to be able to offer me a place. I had already received my exam results so needed to send off my certificates and a reference from my old Sixth form. (none of which I had arranged.

So it was all systems go to get these together and sent off in time to receive an offer. Once I eventually got myself together it was just a case of waiting…

Stage 3: The nervous wait

Checking my emails every 20 minutes to see if there had been any updates really wasn’t a vibe but that shows how anxious I was to hear back.

There was only a matter of days between when I sent off my papers and when I received that notification that something on my UCAS had changed.

I logged on with my fingers crossed and my breath held…

Stage 4: Pure Excitement

I GOT IN I GOT IN I GOT IN! There it was in shiny purple and white “Congratulations your place at Staffordshire University has been confirmed”


I don’t think I’ve ever felt so much excitement, relief and joy all at once. What I’d been waiting for the past year is finally happening(and for once, It’s actually gone the way I planned out)! The future is looking bright. And for the next few months I spent feeling nervous, excited and rushing around trying to get myself organised enough to survive the next brilliant year at University.

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