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Health and Fitness

March 30, 2015 Emma 0

Something that I struggled with a lot in my first year was cooking myself healthy meals, and exercising regularly. I play hockey, but I’m a goalkeeper and if I’m honest I should have bothered to […]

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Joining a Club or Society

March 6, 2015 Emma 0

Most people you speak to when you first start university will recommend that you join a club or society to  expand your friendship groups. I can honestly say that joining the Women’s Hockey team at […]

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Balancing Act

February 9, 2015 Emma 0

One of the things most students don’t think will be a problem is balancing their studies with going out. University is nothing like school, you have much less timetabled contact time with lecturers, which means […]

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Introduction to Emma

December 10, 2014 Emma 0

Why did you choose your subject/course? I chose Journalism because it thought that it would be an interesting course, and I also believe that journalists play a vital role in keeping the public informed, which […]

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