
3 Tips for settling in at uni

December 18, 2017 Matt 0

Here are my three top tips to settling in at university! Whether you’re introverted or extroverted, these could be a big help. Have fun and see you soon!  

What to do on campus

December 4, 2017 Matt 0

Staffs is absolutely packed with fun and facilities. From cosplay to clubbing, there’s something for everyone! Fitness: The gym I use is the university one in the Sir Stanley Matthews Sports Centre and I can […]

Hanley: Where to go and what to do

November 14, 2017 Matt 0

If you’ve never been to Hanley, go. It is a fantastic place, Stoke-on-Trent’s main town centre and not even far from the university! A leisurely twenty minutes walk maximum or about a two minute bus […]

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