I hear you have a problem

What I wish I’d known about Clearing

August 26, 2016 0

So having been through Clearing twice you’d think I had little to nothing to learn about it, right? Well, I’ve learnt plenty and I’m still being surprised. There’s things I’ve discovered helping the Clearing Team […]

students learning how to use the metal workshop

Why a foundation year was good!

August 12, 2016 0

A-level results day is fast approaching, and there’s thousands of students with mixed emotions waiting to find out what they got, whether all that hard work paid off but mostly importantly if they are going […]

No Picture

Dealing with bad A-level results

June 22, 2015 0

This is a subject that is quite close to my heart, and I still remember results day like it was yesterday. Although everyone told me that I did fine, I still feel like I didn’t […]