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What to Pack for University

August 24, 2018 Matt 0

Hey everyone! Around this time last year I was gathering all the things I needed to pack for Uni, at first I took too little, then over the year I took too much! So hopefully […]

What to pack for student accommodation!

August 7, 2017 Maxie 0

Last summer, I spent days slaving over a list to make sure I had absolutely everything I need for my move to university halls. And come September… yep; I still forgot stuff. Naturally, there’s gonna […]

What should I pack?

July 17, 2017 Alexandra 0

When you are thinking about moving into university halls or private accommodation in first year, it can be stressful deciding what to pack. So, I will share a few of the must haves which I […]

Choosing your University

March 13, 2017 Annrose 0

So you have written the dreaded personal statement, potentially have had some interviews and had offers come through. Now, which ones do you choose to be your firm and insurance? It is so important to […]

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