Student sitting in a lecture theatre

My first year – What have I learnt ?

May 25, 2016 Zach 1

So my first year here at Staffordshire University is almost over with only coursework to submit and exams to complete and I’ll be on my way to my second year. I’ve learnt and experienced so […]

Rebecca with two friends in her kitchen

The End…Of Year One

May 16, 2016 Rebecca 0

I come to you tonight from the flat dining table, this is my last proper night in the flat that is not going to be packing and and sorting everything out. This is tough, I […]

Jaz on a trip to London with his course

It’s far from being over!

May 6, 2016 Jaz 0

Hey! SO here we are. As I write this, I am just completing my final two assessments for this year. It’s hard to believe that I’ve already finished my first year at university. It literally […]

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My welcome week experience

October 26, 2015 Alexandra 0

Welcome week was a complete blur for me but such an experience. Let’s start from the beginning, I arrived mid-morning on Saturday with my parents and a car full of everything I would need to […]

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