Single Parent Student

September 25, 2016 Lauren 0

So for those of you don’t know, I have a teenager! An “it’s not fair” eats me out of house and home, no concept of money, sleep in till mid-day teenager. And for over the […]

Clearing Made Clear

What happens when I phone Clearing?

August 11, 2016 Lauren 0

Making that first contact with the Clearing hotline can be a little nerve-wracking. So this will let you know how the call will flow and what questions you’ll be asked. And Gru is doing impressions […]

Clearing Made Clear

Being clear on Clearing

August 7, 2016 Lauren 0

Lets be clear about Clearing – a common myth is that “”Clearing is for failures”” this really isn’t true people coming into clearing for a whole range of reasons, but no matter what it will be a positive change for you and your future career. […]

Jaz on a trip to London with his course

It’s far from being over!

May 6, 2016 Jaz 0

Hey! SO here we are. As I write this, I am just completing my final two assessments for this year. It’s hard to believe that I’ve already finished my first year at university. It literally […]