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Suviving Your Shared Kitchen

September 20, 2016 Zach 0

One thing that’s always a new experience for students when they come to Uni is sharing a kitchen! We are all so used to Mum, Dad or someone restocking the cupboards, packing the freezer or […]

Lauren starting uni

Worried About Starting Uni?

September 10, 2016 Lauren 1

Regardless of your age, background, circumstances or how you’ve ended up coming to university, we will all have worries and fears. For me I thought I was too old, out of fashion, and not up […]

Clearing with Guaranteed Accommodation

Clearing made clear

August 18, 2016 Lauren 0

This year Staffordshire University are going to do something brand new to us, we’re opening our Clearing line for 36 hours straight! My usual caffeine addiction will go into overdrive during this period. It sounds […]