Annrose’s Summer in Amsterdam

October 26, 2016 0

So, summer seems like it was a lifetime ago, but I thought it would be nice to reminisce on mine by sharing it in the form of a vlog. I visit Amsterdam quite regularly and […]

You do Psychology?! What am I thinking?

September 29, 2016 0

via GIPHY I am enrolled on the BSc Psychology and Counselling degree, and I thought it would be a good idea to write about a first-hand experience of what it is like on the course. […]

Zach’s Top 3 Places to Eat on Campus

September 20, 2016 0

One good thing about Staffs Uni, is while you’re studying and going between lectures you will never starve or go thirsty. On campus we have so many places to eat and drink we’re spoilt for […]