Student Group

What is a Peer Mentor?

September 14, 2016 Jaz 0

You wake up and realise that today is the day. You have already unpacked and organised your new room yet there are over a thousand different questions swimming through your mind. Where do I go? […]

No Picture

You made it to Staffs! What now…?

September 12, 2016 Drew 1

Dear New Students, First and foremost, DO NOT PANIC! You made it. You are a university student. Congratulations for getting this far! Now take a breath, take a moment, and relax. For a lot of […]

Lauren starting uni

Worried About Starting Uni?

September 10, 2016 Lauren 1

Regardless of your age, background, circumstances or how you’ve ended up coming to university, we will all have worries and fears. For me I thought I was too old, out of fashion, and not up […]

Joining Clubs and Societies at Uni

September 9, 2016 Alexandra 0

  When starting university last year, I was certain that I would join at least one club or society. In the end I joined one of each, dancing club and psychology society. I always intended […]

Getting Ready for Welcome Week

September 8, 2016 Alexandra 0

  So now that exams are over it’s likely that you might be thinking about starting university. I know that I thought of nothing else for most of the summer. I was excited but quite […]

Bachelor in Paradise

My First Day: Welcome Week

September 7, 2016 Siân 0

Getting to know the people I’d be studying with for the next three years started, for me, on Facebook. A day or so after I got the confirmation I’d be going to uni, I joined […]

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