10 Tips for Starting University

June 17, 2017 Karis 0

I am about to graduate university so I thought that I would share a slightly random assortment of some tips and advice that I have gained over these three years! Some of them are just […]

IPE Day – Student Midwives and Paramedics

April 30, 2017 Annrose 0

Recently, the third student midwives here at Staffordshire University had the opportunity to work with and teach the student paramedics various ways to deal with pregnancy related emergencies. This is something that our lecturers had […]

Choosing your University

March 13, 2017 Annrose 0

So you have written the dreaded personal statement, potentially have had some interviews and had offers come through. Now, which ones do you choose to be your firm and insurance? It is so important to […]

Pink piggy bank

5 Tips for Applying to Student Finance

February 15, 2017 Karis 0

Now that the deadline for UCAS applications has closed and you prospective students will be starting to get offers, you will need to start thinking about applying for Student Finance. If you simply Google ‘student […]

It’s LGBT History Month! ?️‍?

February 10, 2017 Drew 0

February every year marks LGBT History Month here in the UK, and before we go into the whole ‘Well what about Straight History Month?’ thing, let me just address it now. Similar to that of […]

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