What TO DO when Seeking Graduate Roles

What TO DO when Seeking Graduate Roles

With the academic year slowly coming to an end, many of you are starting to wonder, “What is the next step?”. For many, this is a daunting question and for others the prospects are exciting. But whether you are thinking of just taking a breather or jumping straight into your graduate role, here are our top tips when applying for first graduate role!

Map out your Hard & Soft Skills ?

It’s likely that employers require some hard skills, but soft skills are just as important and will also be needed for your role, so what is the difference between hard and soft skills?

Hard skills are technical abilities which are specific to the role. They are skills that are typically learned through training/education such as speaking a foreign language, coding, cleaning procedures and more.

Soft skills, on the other hand, are interpersonal/introspective abilities that can be more difficult to learn without real-life and hands-on experience. For example, leadership, creativity, compassion and more.

Create a brainstorm or jot down any volunteering, university or work experience you’ve done and list all the skills you have developed or gained from those. Perhaps a group presentation has taught you to be innovative, or you led a group to achieve a fantastic grade. These will all be useful for your interview, and particularly if you can present those skills in a SMART format.

As a graduate, employers know you may not have all the skills required, but if you are motivated and excited about the role, that may just be your ticket in! Be passionate.

Dedicate Time into Each Application

Each role will require a new CV and Cover Letter in order to show employers that you have read and understood the role. It also reflects you as a person who is detail-oriented and are keen on getting the job because you put effort into your application.

Make Time for Everything Else ?‍?‍?

It’s easy to get caught up with job applications and we sometimes may neglect things that are just as important such as taking time out for hobbies and socialising with friends. It’s easy to feel guilty if you’ve not applied for a certain number of roles in a day or even if you get a rejection email. But, taking care of yourself is important so you don’t get burnt out and can show your best self in an interview!

Consider every opportunity!

Everybody wants an ideal work-life with a fantastic salary and great hours, but the most important thing to do as a graduate is to get your foot in the door and consider all jobs out there. So, don’t just ignore temporary roles or jobs that pay minimum wage! Also, make sure these roles interest you, so that you’re able to progress and develop yourself in the long run. You want to love what you’re doing!

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