COVID-Secure Campus

Returning to a COVID-19 secure campus

As the UK is progressing out of national lockdown, the way we approach testing is changing. Many of us are getting back onto campus for in-person teaching or to grab a hot drink from Squeezebox. With our venues slowly opening, safety is still the number one priority. Read on to find out how Staffordshire University ensures that all staff and pupils remain safe whilst on its premises.

How is Staffordshire University staying safe?

Testing and reporting:

The LRV on the Stoke-on-Trent campus operates on-site supervised lateral flow testing for the public, as well as staff and students at the university. These lateral flow tests are available from 9:30am-3:30pm, Monday to Friday.

Staff and students are advised to take a COVID test twice a week, so that Staffordshire University’s campus maintains a COVID-secure campus. Regular testing also ensures that staff and students remain safe. Ian Blachford, the Chief Operating Officer at Staffordshire University, says that:

‘It is easy to think that now that infection rates are lower, and hospitalisations are down, that the threat of COVID-19 has been removed. It hasn’t. If we don’t continue to test regularly, we could unwittingly play our part in the further spread of the virus and further possible lockdowns.’

To read in more detail about testing and reporting COVID test results, please visit here.

Sanitation and distancing measures:

In line with government guidelines, the university also implements social distancing measures. These include:

  • The campus is also remaining safe by encouraging everyone to keep their distance from one another through clear and visible markings.
  • Readily available hand sanitisers in stairwells, lift lobbies, foyers, lecture theatres and reception areas, so that anyone entering or leaving the premises has the chance to disinfect their hands.
  • Shared learning spaces and gyms will have wipes for staff and students to wipe down their areas as they arrive and leave.
  • Cleaning operations have adapted their procedures to focus on: hand rails, buttons, and doors, with special focus on high-touch areas such as bathrooms and lift facilities.
  • All students and staff are encouraged to wear face masks on campus. Staff have been provided with PPE to wear while teaching.
  • The retail outlets in Cadman, Ashley 2 and the Business School will remain closed until early next year. Vending machines are still available for use, though we encourage customers to either wash their hands or use hand sanitiser before and after use.

What should I do to help?

Having all these measures in place will not be effective if we didn’t have the full support from those who are on campus. Here are some things you must do, now that you are aware of how Staffordshire University supports your wellbeing and safety:

  • Monitor yourself for any symptoms of COVID-19 and arrange a test if you have any of the following: a high temperature (38°C+), a new, continuous cough, or a loss of smell/taste.
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds – singing ‘Happy Birthday’ twice helps! Or use hand sanitiser.
  • Catch coughs and sneezes with tissues. Immediately dispose of the tissue responsibly and clean your hands.
  • Avoid close contact with other people, maintaining a distance of two-meters wherever possible.

Support from the Well-being Team:

You are not alone, remember that. The pandemic has heightened the feelings of anxiety, uncertainty, and fear. Please speak with our friendly and qualified Well-being team who will be happy to help.

Careers Studio: 

The Careers Team can help with: ‘CV Preparation, Interview Skills Practice, LinkedIn Assistance, Confidence Building, Advice on Where to look for Job Opportunities, Placement Advice, The Value of Volunteering and more….’


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