
University of South Wales (Cardiff, United Kingdom).


To showcase and disseminate the findings from the entire EPICC project and to formally establish and launch the EPICC Network.


  1. To provide a variety of case studies and experiences from the EPICC Strategic Partners and EPICC Participants.  This will be in the form of a variety of ViPER sessions (10-minute presentations, 10-minute moderated discussion).
  2. From the ViPER and EPICC Adoption Toolkit ‘taster’ sessions, provide a platform to share lessons learned and to further develop good practice by highlighting the facilitators and inhibitors in the provision of spiritual care in nursing and midwifery.
  3. To capture the experiences of EPICC Participants in how they have utilised the EPICC Gold Standard Matrix for Spiritual Care Education, the EPICC Spiritual Care Education Standard, and teaching/learning strategies from the EPICC Adoption Toolkit.

Programme and resources

Resources from the event such as presentations and videos are available for you to view – follow the links in the table below.

View the full EPICC Conference Programme (Cardiff) (PDF file, 562 KB).

Day 1: Monday 1 July 2019
Time Activity
12:30-12:50 Chair: Professor Linda Ross.
Welcome. Professor Julie Lydon, Vice-Chancellor.
Opening address. Minister for Health & Social Services, Wales, Vaughan Gething.

Keynote address 1. Humanising care: What is it to attend to the whole person? Lord Rowan Williams, Chancellor, University of South Wales.

13:40-14:05 Keynote address 2. Why providing spiritual care is important: A personal perspective. Professor Jean White, Chief Nursing Officer for Wales.

The EPICC Journey: Overview of the EPICC Project & its outputs. The big picture. (PDF file, 8.21 MB) Professor Wilfred McSherry.
Launch & Showcasing of the EPICC Website. Dr. Adam Boughey.

15:15-16:20 Showcasing the Standard and Matrix: Snap shots from across Europe. ViPER sessions (10-minute presentations, 10-minute moderated discussion).
ViPER 1: Netherlands. (PDF file, 1.38 MB) Bart Cusveller and Aliza Damsma.
ViPER 2: Norway. (PPTX file, 4.62 MB) Britt Kuven.
ViPER 3: Malta. (PDF file, 9.05 MB) Josephine Attard.
ViPER 4: Ireland. (PDF file, 2.51 MB) Fiona Timmins.
ViPER 5: Poland. (PDF file, 69.1 KB) Beata Dobrowolska.
ViPER 6: Wales. (PDF file, 1.33 MB) Ian Stevenson.
ViPER 7: Matrix. Tove Giske.
ViPER 8: Austria. (PDF file, 784 KB) Piret Paal/René van Leeuwen.
16:25-16:45 Chair: Professor Tove Giske.
Showcasing the Toolkit (overview).
Dr. Josephine Attard.

Inaugural Professorial Lecture: The changing landscape of spirituality in healthcare: Time travel across 3 decades. Linda Ross.

Day 2: Tuesday 2 July 2019

Chair: Professor Wilf McSherry.
Keynote address 3. Short stories: Spiritual care making a difference or not.

Clinical psychologist’s story. Dr. Sarah Collier: Spirituality in the context of older people’s mental health.

Nurse’s story. Sadie Givvons: Making a difference to a stroke patient’s care.

Student’s story. Martin Harris: Trying out an example from the Toolkit in practice.

Patient’s story. Professor Emeritus Maggie Kirk: Scared of dying.

Carer’s story. Professor Emeritus Keith Weeks: Nurses who can see into your soul.


Next steps

Evaluation of EPICC. Dr. Annemiek Schep-Akkerman.

EPICC Network. Professor Rene van Leeuwen.

International Student Conference 30/09 – 02/10 (2020). Professor René van Leeuwen.


Toolkit taster sessions (20-minute sessions).

Taster 1 (competencies 2, 3): Taking a spiritual history. Piret Paal.

Taster 2 (competency 1): Life Tree. Tove Giske.

Taster 3 (competency 2): Recognising spiritual needs. Keith Weeks/Linda Ross.

Taster 4 (competency 2): Handy conversations. Aliza Damsma.

Taster 5 (competency 1): Faith history. Marianne Rodrigues.

Taster 6 (competencies 1, 2): Introduction to the Diamond Model. René van Leeuwen.

Taster 7 (competency 4): Documentation. Wilf McSherry.

Taster 8 (competencies 3, 4): Link nurse @ spiritual care. Bart Cusveller.


Chair: Professor Tormod Kleiven.
Self-care (competency 1).

Mindfulness. Anthony Schwartz.

Hand Massage. Jackie Hayes, Louise Tetley.

Simple relaxation. Gareth Parsons.

Singing. Tim Goss.

Creative therapy: Creativity for stress relief and wellbeing. Esyllt George.


Role play (competencies 2 & 3). Facilitator: Professor Tove Giske.

Cardiac arrest | ‘Am I going to die, nurse?’ | discussion. Sara Morgan/Debbie Thomas.

Spiritual care at end of life | discussion. Clare Churcher/Lynda Civil.

Student opportunity to accompany service users to Lourdes. Sara Morgan/Debbie Thomas.


Keynote Address 4. ‘How to Treat People’.
Molly Case, Cardiac Nurse Specialist, Poet, RCN Writer in Residence.
As a student nurse, Molly performed her poem: ‘Nursing the Nation’, at the RCN annual congress and received a standing ovation.

Participant feedback

Responses to the question "what 2 words sum up this event?" in the form of a word cloud. Inspiring is the key word

Word cloud showing responses to the question “what 2 words sum up this event?”


Scale showing a 4.7 response rate on a scale of 1 to 5 to the statement "this event has been fanstastic" where 1 is "strongly disagree" and 5 is "strongly agree"

Scale showing response to the statement “this event has been fantastic”

“Thanks for a thought-provoking two days; it was incredibly inspiring and I would love to be part of the project.”

“Sharing examples of educational strategies makes EPICC very tangible.”

“The future is bright…the future is EPICC…thank you.”

“Inspiring conference in which I will take forward many, many things.”

“An emotional rollercoaster; the most meaningful conference ever.”

“Outstanding, exciting, supportive, encouraging. Thank you. It’s been a privilege to be here.”