Crystal Meth, Group Sex and HIV: Exploring applications of Health Psychology among marginalised populations (Thurs 5th Nov, 4pm)

Nov 15 VSS Bourne profile pic

Dr Adam Bourne

The School of Psychology, Sport & Exercise is pleased to welcome Dr Adam Bourne (Lecturer, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine) who is giving the third Visiting Speaker talk on Thursday 5th November, 4pm, in the R001 Lecture Theatre in the Science Centre (Leek Road campus).

Adam will be speaking about his research into health behaviours among marginalised populations, particularly as they relate to sexual health. Adam’s work has included a number of mixed-methods studies of HIV-related risk behaviour among gay and bisexual men, both in Europe and in the Caribbean, and of black African migrant populations. Adam has also lead several studies that explored the wider health and well-being of gay and bisexual men, and has a particular interest in alcohol and drug use among this population.

All staff, students and members of the public are welcome to attend these free Visiting Speaker talks – join in our live tweeting from the talk using the #StaffsVSS event hashtag. We hope to see you there!

Nov 15 VVS BourneThe Visiting Speaker seminars are a regular series of free talks hosted by the School of Psychology, Sport & Exercise. Psychologists from across the country are invited to speak at these events to share their research and discuss their findings with staff and students from Staffordshire University. The Visiting Speaker series is also open to anyone from the general public with an interest in psychological research.