Opinion research on British attitudes to innovation


An invitation to tender to provide research services

Nesta wishes to commission a piece of detailed qualitative and quantitative opinion research on British people’s attitudes to innovation and technology, and the government’s role in promoting it.

Funding is offered up to £60,000 for the project (plus VAT where applicable), and would like the study to be completed by 2 December 2013.

Nesta would like to better understand how citizens think about innovation and technology and what governments can do to encourage them.

Research should address to what extent people value innovation and technology, how they understand the links between the development and use of new technologies and prosperity, and what they think the government should do about it and is doing about it. The study should also examine how views differ by geography and voting intention.

Deadline for tenders: 09:00 BST, 29 July 2013

For further information go to: http://www.nesta.org.uk/library/documents/ITTattitudes_to_innovation.pdf


European Union prize for cultural heritage/Europa Nostra awards

           europa nostra internationaal     European Union Culture logo

Europa Nostra supported by the European Commission invites applications for the European Union prize for cultural heritage/Europa Nostra awards. These are granted to identify and promote best practices in the conservation of tangible cultural heritage, to stimulate the trans-frontier exchanges of knowledge and experience throughout Europe, to enhance public awareness and appreciation of Europe’s cultural heritage and to encourage further initiatives through the power of example.

Four categories are available:

  • conservation for outstanding achievements in the conservation, enhancement and adaptation to new uses of cultural heritage;
  • research for outstanding research leading to tangible effects in the conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage in Europe;
  • dedicated services by individuals or organisations for the protection, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage;
  • education, training and awareness-raising initiatives

Entries may be submitted from all European countries. However, only entries from countries that take part in the culture programme of the European Commission are eligible for a monetary award.

Up to six entries will be awarded a grand prix including a monetary award of €10,000, while up to 25 entries will receive an award.

Closing date 09 Sep 13

For further information go to http://www.europanostra.org/heritage-awards/

Funding focusing on Research combining Design and Innovation

The Arts and Humanities Research Council have decided to focus a chunk of their funding on design. They are particularity interested in projects which link design and innovation. This sounds like something Staffordshire University are very good at (Flux, High House), so we should be looking to get a bid in.

They want applications to be in by 3 October 2013. We can only submit a maximum of three bids, and in truth we should really be looking to submit only one, so anyone looking to apply should talk to the External Projects Team and the head of their faculty.

More details here: http://www.ahrc.ac.uk/Funding-Opportunities/Pages/Collaborative-Doctoral-Awards.aspx


Manufacturing with light

The EPSRC invites participants for its manufacturing with light call. This aims to encourage adventurous research ideas to explore how to generate, collect, manipulate, control and transmit light to transform and shape the manufacturing industry.

Research ideas should have the potential to revolutionise production processes or develop new and profound technological applications, where a consideration of the pathway to manufacture is necessary.

The proposed research should endeavour to bring the physics, materials, engineering and manufacturing research communities closer together and to support the device development community. Some examples of innovative areas that fall within the scope of the call are:

  • non-traditional uses of light in manufacturing processes or technologies;
  • developing new sources of light that are applicable to manufacturing;
  • manufacturing with light outside traditional spectral range;
  • innovative interactions between materials and light;
  • novel metrology and inspection concepts that exploit the properties and characteristics of light;
  • manufacturing with photons;
  • new manufacturing technology for production of devices;
  • manufacturing applications of quantum physics or quantum devices;
  • quantum physics or laser science for new manufacturing processes;
  • new applications that arise from wavelength-tuning of light sources, for example, biological and medical applications.

Higher education institutions and some research council institutes and independent research organisations are eligible to apply.

The budget is up to £3 million. Grants should not exceed £300,000 and a duration of 18 months.

Closing date 24 Jul 13

For further information go to http://www.epsrc.ac.uk/funding/calls/2013/Pages/manufacturingwithlight.aspx


Video Games Funding

The Arts and Humanities Research Council have funding for collaborative research projects with a particular focus on video games

It is unusual for the AHRC to be making a particular focus on just video games, so if it is your research area it is worth looking into the call in more detail because it might not come up again for a while.

Funding body AHRC

Scheme Videogames Research Networking Funding Call

Overview These are for collaborative research projects between arts and humanities researchers and video developers. Proposals should explore new areas of interest to research and development in the videogames industry, be multi-institutional and demonstrate creative and innovative approaches.

Deadlines 1 August 2013

Budget Grants are worth up to £30,000 for projects of six to 18 months, and an additional £15,000 may be sought to cover international activities.

For further information: http://www.ahrc.ac.uk/Funding-Opportunities/Pages/AHRC-Videogames-Research-Networking-Funding-Call.aspx

Secondment Project Grants

IT as a Utility Network+

IT as a Utility+ Network

Applications are invited from the IT as a Utility+ Network under the RCUK digital econopmy theme for its secondment project grants. Secondments are for up to six months and are for individuals in academia, industry or policy bodies and should be undertaken in a different professional environment concerned with IT as a utility. The priority areas are:

  • usability and user experience
  • ethics, education and skills in utility computing environments
  • social computing platforms
  • smart spaces – the internet of things
  • security, trust and governance
  • economics and sustainability of services

Applicants must either relocate to a different institution or to a different sector and industry and governmental involvement is strongly encouraged.

Higher education institutions, some research council institutes and independent research organisations are eligible to apply.

Grants are worth up t0 £50,000 for up to six months with £40,000 provided by the network and £10,000 required by the applicant’s own institution.

Closing date 31 Oct 13

For more information go to http://www.itutility.ac.uk/home/


First World War Lottery Funding

Funding from the National Lottery can be applied for to celebrate next year’s centenary of the First World War.

Funding body: National Lottery
Scheme:    First World War: Then and Now
Overview: Projects to mark the Centenary of the First World War. These grants aim to make a real difference to a wide range of people by helping them understand the war and its impact better. In particular, they want to involve young people in marking the Centenary. See examples of the heritage your project might explore.
In assessment, they take account of the broad range of outcomes that projects achieve. Projects need to cover a number of the following areas:
Outcomes for heritage
With our support, heritage will be:
•    better managed
•    in better condition
•    better interpreted and explained
•    identified / recorded
Outcomes for people
With our investment, people will have:
•    developed skills
•    learnt about heritage
•    volunteered time
Outcomes for communities
With our support:
•    more people and a wider range of people will have engaged with heritage.
Deadlines: Open Call -apply anytime
Budget: £3,000 to £10,000. They also provide grants of more than £10,000 for First World War projects

The Lottery are looking to fund not-for-profit organisations; and partnerships led by not-for-profit organisations.

Nuffield Foundation, GB

Nuffield Foundation

Grants for research and innovation

Children and Families, Law in Society, Education and Open Door

The Nuffield Foundation invites applications for its grants for research and innovation. Grants will support research, practical experiments or development work in the following areas:

  • children and families – helps to ensure that the legal and institutional framework is best adapted to meet the needs of children and families;
  • education – supports innovative research and development in specific priority areas;
  • law in society – promotes access to and understanding of the civil justice system;
  • open door – for projects that improve social wellbeing and meet trustees’ wider interests but lie outside other programme areas.

The foundation will not fund organisations outside the UK or projects that take place outside the UK. Collaboration with partners in European or Commonwealth countries is permitted. Grants normally range from £10,000 to £250,000, although the majority are worth between £50,000 and £150,000.

Closing date 05 Jul 13

For further information go to: http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/children-and-families-law-society-education-and-open-door


Capital Funding Call for Digital Transformations in Community research Co-Production in the Arts and Humanities

As part of the cross-Council Connected Communities Programme, the AHRC is inviting applications for Digital Community Research Co-Production Projects. The call aims to harness digital technologies to stimulate innovative engagements and research co-production between communities and researchers. £4m capital funding is available under this call.

A key focus of, and output from, the projects funded must be some form of new, or significantly enhanced, research-based asset of enduring value for communities and future research. These assets may take a variety of forms, such as open datasets, integrated search facilities, mash-ups, visualizations and mappings, enhanced gateways and portals, galleries, tools, hardware, interfaces, software, material artefacts, or other forms of innovative cultural and creative resource or asset.

Applications are invited for between £50,000 and £600,000 on a full economic cost basis and the AHRC will fund 80% of the full economic costs (with the exception that equipment costs may be included under this call). The closing date is Thursday 27th June 2013.

There are a series of launch events, the local event is Birmingham on 30th May. 

Please contact External Projects Team (externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk) if you are interested in this call. Further information is available at http://www.ahrc.ac.uk/Funding-Opportunities/Pages/Capital-Funding-Call-for-Digital-Transformations-in-Community-research-Co-Production-in-the-Arts-and-Humanities.aspx

NESTA’s new Social Innovation Fund

The Centre for Social Action Innovation Fund is a £14 million Fund to support the growth of innovations that mobilise people’s energy and talents to help each other, working alongside public services. This fund is an open call and will be here for two years, so even if you don’t have a project now, make a note of it for future reference.

Funding Body: NESTA

Fund: The Centre for Social Innovation Fund

Overview: As part of the Cabinet Office Centre for Social Action, Nesta will run a £14 million Innovation Fund.

We will provide financial and non-financial support to help grow the impact and reach of innovations that mobilise people’s energy and talents to help each other, working alongside public services.

Over the next two years the ambition is to:

Find innovations that harness different types of social action to make a positive difference across a range of outcomes

Support the most promising innovations to have more impact, including building evidence of what works

Enable a small number of proven innovations to achieve impact at significant scale, by reaching and benefiting many more people

The Innovation Fund will focus on a small number of big social challenges, like helping older people to age well or supporting young people to get into work, where there is a plausible account of how social action can make a difference and is under-exploited by the existing approach of public services.

Current priorities

  • Helping people to age well, particularly by supporting people over 50 to have a purpose, a sense of well-being and to be connected to others
  • Enabling people with long-term health conditions to have a better quality of life, particularly through the use of peer to peer networks and groups
  • Supporting and encouraging young people to succeed and find employment, for example through mentoring, coaching, and peer-to-peer networks

Using new approaches to “impact volunteering” to mobilise volunteers to increase and enhance the outcomes achieved by public services

Budget: £50,000 to £500,000 to individual ventures or programmes, funding usually needs to be matched from other sources.

Deadlines: Open call, just fill in an expression of interest form on the website

Website: http://bit.ly/12ZByAs