Erasmus + Deadlines Announced

ALERT!!! 2016 application deadlines announced

The European Commission has released the 2016 application deadlines for Erasmus+.

All the deadlines and information on the types of activities you can apply for are contained in the 2016 Call for Proposals document and the 2016 Programme Guide both of which you can download from our Key Resources page.

The Call for Proposals is an overview document containing all the deadlines for 2016, while the Programme Guide contains all the detailed information on how to apply for Erasmus+ funding. You will need to read both documents when planning an application. Please note that as of 20 October 2015, there is a discrepancy between the Call for Proposals and the Programme Guide in terms of the deadline for Strategic Partnerships applications for education and training projects. We are seeking clarification from the European Commission on which is the correct date, and will update our website once the date is confirmed.

We would also recommend that you bookmark our funding deadlines page which will be kept up-to-date with any changes in the coming weeks.

Please contact us for further information on how we can support your Erasmus + application. Email us at:


Information sessions for Erasmus+ newcomers

New to Erasmus+? Register for an information session

The UK National Agency are pleased to announce a series of information sessions on the Erasmus+ programme in the UK. The purpose of these events is to provide an overview of the funding opportunities available under Erasmus+ and is intended for newcomers to Erasmus+. There is no charge to attend but places are limited.

Who should attend?

The sessions are for any organisation in the UK working in the sectors of education, training, youth or sport. They are aimed at organisations new to Erasmus+, including anyone who has not yet applied for funding but would like to know more about the range of possibilities under the programme. If your organisation has applied before, we advise that you look out for our application support events, including webinars.

The agenda is designed to give a general introduction and overview of Erasmus+, followed by a closer explanation of the types of funding opportunities available and next steps. There will be the opportunity to meet UK National Agency staff and network over refreshments.

When and where?

We will be holding information sessions in six venues across the UK, all of which are half-day events finishing around 12.30pm.

Follow the links below to register online:

Tuesday 20 October 2015 The Studio, Birmingham Register your place
Monday 2 November 2015 Westminster Conference Centre, London Register your place
Wednesday 4 November 2015 The Studio, Manchester Register your place
Tuesday 10 November 2015 IET, Glasgow Register your place
Monday 23 November 2015 Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff Register your place
Thursday 26 November 2015 The MAC, Belfast Register your place

If you have any questions about the information sessions, please email the Erasmus+ events team on

The team in Research Business & Employability Services (RBES) manage the Erasmus + proposal process for Staffordshire University, please let us know if you wish to attend or are interested in Erasmus + funding. You can reach us at our email or call Josephine Beech on 01782 294149.

HEIF 15/16 Innovation Vouchers – Call OPEN

HEIF logo

Research, Business and Employability Services have opened a call for Innovation and Collaboration vouchers, open to all staff. Innovation and Collaboration Vouchers are designed to support innovative projects, collaborations with companies and cross faculty working.

Call Information

  • Application period: 5th – 30th October 2015
  • Total Budget for theme: 10 vouchers at £4k
  • Projects duration: 4 months
  • Not funded: Internal faculty admin costs, Research Projects, Training and Teaching and learning

The application form along with a best practice example is now available for download in the HEIF dropbox below:

HEIF 15-16 Innovation and collaboration voucher documents

* NOTE you do not require a Dropbox account to access the documents, close dialogue box (x in right hand corner) and the documents will be accessible



Opportunity – Commission for National Centre for Ceramic Education

Staffordshire University is seeking to commission a consultant to create an evidence base to support the development of a National Centre for Ceramic Education at Staffordshire University. The evidence base will be used to support the development of a business case and an ERDF application for the new centre.

Deadline for submissions is 5:00pm Monday 5th October 2015.

The Full brief can be downloaded by clicking this link: 2015-09-24 National Ceramics Centre Consultants Brief (FINAL)

Submissions should be returned to: John Adlen

Head of Research, Business & Employability Services




Research Seminar – Computing, Engineering and Sciences


The External Projects Team recently supported a PHD seminar series in FCES, organised by Fran Stubbs, the series is designed to provide opportunities for PHD students to explore new topics and learn from the key speakers who are invited to attend.

The External Projects Team discussed bidding for research and in a EU context and provided tips to writing a successful proposal.

Pictured above are the PHD students and Jose Beech, External Grants Manager.

Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Actions: MSCA Individual Fellowships Call



Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Actions: MSCA Individual Fellowships Call

The 2015 Individual Fellowships (IFs) call, which includes the European Fellowship and the Global Fellowship strands, has been published on the Participant Portal.

The IF Guide for Applicants can be found on the Portal through the Call Documents tab for the IF call, as can a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document for the IF call.

The deadline for the 2015 Individual Fellowships call is 10 September 2015.

To find out more follow this link to the web page MSC Fellowship call 2015

Or see the fact sheet here – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Horizon 2020 Briefing Sheet


Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professors


The Royal Academy of Engineering invites applications for its visiting professors scheme. This industry-into-academia initiative is intended to utilise the experience of senior industry practitioners from engineering disciplines to enhance student learning as well as the employability and skills of UK engineering graduates.

The visiting professor would deliver teaching and mentoring at the host university and contribute to postgraduate teaching, curriculum development and strategy development.

Applications must be made by UK host universities.

Funding is worth up to £10,000 per year over three years to support the visiting professor through honoraria and travel expenses.

Closing date 16 Jun 15

For further information go to:


Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chairs and Senior Research Fellowships

Over the past twenty years, the Academy’s Research Chairs (RC) / Senior Fellowships (SRF) scheme has successfully supported numerous academic appointments and enhanced internationally renowned centres of excellence. This scheme aims to strengthen the links between industry and academia by sponsoring leading academics to undertake research of industrial relevance and commercialise its outcomes and deliverables. Awardees are expected to establish or enhance a world leading engineering research group deliver ‘user-inspired’ research that meets the needs of their industrial partners publish the results of their research in high quality peer review journals become sustainable by the end of the award by securing substantial external grant income (RCUK, EU, industry, charities, etc). Applications are now open for UK universities to submit for collaborative research projects in any engineering discipline.

The scheme is currently accepting applications. The submission deadline is 4pm on Monday 2 February 2015.

Please note that there will be two application rounds each year.

See more at:

NEW – EPSRC calls for proposals


Fresh Ideas Fund

The EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Medical Devices (MeDe Innovation), is inviting project proposals to their ‘Fresh Ideas Fund’, which identify key challenges in medical device manufacturing (Class III, musculoskeletal).

Issue date: 24 September 2014 / Closing date: 19 December 2014 at 17:30

Type: Invitation for proposals

Related themes: Engineering, Healthcare technologies, Manufacturing the future


 Future Manufacturing Research Hubs

EPSRC is inviting outline applications for a number of large-scale, multidisciplinary research Hubs to address major, long-term challenges facing manufacturing industries, as well as capture opportunities from emerging research areas.

Issue date: 23 September 2014 / Closing date: 11 November 2014 at 16:00

Type: Invitation for proposals

Related themes: Manufacturing the future


Transforming approaches to improving hearing aid technology

This call is to encourage Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, Physical and Mathematical Sciences researchers to develop disruptive technologies for use in hearing aid devices.

Issue date: 22 September 2014 / Closing date: 27 November 2014 at 16:00

Type: Invitation for proposals

Related themes: Engineering, Healthcare technologies, ICT, Manufacturing the future, Mathematical sciences, Physical sciences

New Materials for RF and Microwave Technologies Workshop: Call for Expressions of Interest

EPSRC invites expressions of interest to attend a workshop in the Birmingham area (venue TBA), to engage with the research communities in the area of RF and Microwave Devices.

Issue date: 17 September 2014 / Closing date: 23 October 2014 at 16:00

Type: Expression of interest

Related themes: ICT, Physical sciences



Fellowships are available in a number of priority areas


UnLTD Social Enterprise Awards – Small Funds Avaliable to Students & Staff



Staffordshire University have recieved a small allocation of money from the HEFCE supported UnLTD Social Enterprise awards scheme which has been matched with HEIF (Higher Education Innovation Funding) which is managed by Enterprise and Commercial Development. This small awards scheme aims to facilitate students or staff in trying new ideas that have or create social value, this can be an idea about starting a social enterprise venture, to supporting social enterprises that are already in existence.The awards start at up to £500 and dependent on your idea there may be additonal money you can access. Applcations will be accepted up until the 31st July 2014. In terms of the application process, there is a short application form to fill in, you will be required to keep reciepts and meet with us to ensure you are on track.

If you have an idea, or know of someone that does, if they are a student or a member of staff and they have an idea or a venture that they would like to discuss please contact Peter Twilley on 01782 294968 to find out more or email Peter at