Latest funds on Research Professional 26/09/2014

The External Projects Team has changed the way they provide information on upcoming funds. Instead of updating a spreadsheet, we will post bi-weekly highlights of new funds posted on Research Professional.

Highlights of new funds on Research Professional

You can see the full list here: All new funds from the last two weeks

Health services and delivery research programme NIHR -Deadline: 18/12/2014

Evaluating models of service delivery and interventions which have the potential to improve service effectiveness, efficiency and productivity.


Senior non-clinical fellowship MRC –Deadline 28/04/2015

Provides non-clinical researchers opportunity to develop themselves into research leaders.


Innovation Projects NERC –Deadline 18/12/2014

Activities between the science community and end users to develop products, models and tools that have the potential to generate significant impact through meeting the needs of users but generate no commercial return.


Newton advanced fellowships Royal Society –Deadline 22/10/2014

Develop science and innovation partnerships that promote the economic development and welfare of developing countries


Forensics Call Innovate UK –Deadline 22/10/2014

Proof of concepts for technologies and processes which aid the rapid location and recovery of forensic material at crime scenes.


Newton Mobility Grants Royal Society –Deadline 22/10/2014

Host international researchers in order to build lasting networks or strengthen emerging collaborations in any discipline within the life and physical sciences, excluding clinical medicine.


Darwin Fellowship Awards DEFRA –Deadline 27/10/2014

Enable promising individuals from developing countries to come to the UK for a period of training or research and broaden their knowledge and experience in biodiversity.


Digital transformations small grants AHRC –Deadline 27/11/2014

Practice-based researchers work with colleagues in other arts and humanities disciplines to explore how the use of digital technologies is transforming engagement with cultures and societies. -The world’s leading provider of news and funding information for research professionals. Step by step guide to using Research Professional

Opportunity to make a difference…….

The West Midlands Research for Patient Benefit Regional Advisory Committee are looking for new committee members – specifically those with statistical expertise, health economics and paediatric expertise.

You can find out more:

Prof Karen Rodham is a member of the committee and is happy to chat with anyone who is interested about what is involved. It is a great opportunity to be part of the funding decision making process.

For more info contact Karen at





NEW – EPSRC calls for proposals


Fresh Ideas Fund

The EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Medical Devices (MeDe Innovation), is inviting project proposals to their ‘Fresh Ideas Fund’, which identify key challenges in medical device manufacturing (Class III, musculoskeletal).

Issue date: 24 September 2014 / Closing date: 19 December 2014 at 17:30

Type: Invitation for proposals

Related themes: Engineering, Healthcare technologies, Manufacturing the future


 Future Manufacturing Research Hubs

EPSRC is inviting outline applications for a number of large-scale, multidisciplinary research Hubs to address major, long-term challenges facing manufacturing industries, as well as capture opportunities from emerging research areas.

Issue date: 23 September 2014 / Closing date: 11 November 2014 at 16:00

Type: Invitation for proposals

Related themes: Manufacturing the future


Transforming approaches to improving hearing aid technology

This call is to encourage Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, Physical and Mathematical Sciences researchers to develop disruptive technologies for use in hearing aid devices.

Issue date: 22 September 2014 / Closing date: 27 November 2014 at 16:00

Type: Invitation for proposals

Related themes: Engineering, Healthcare technologies, ICT, Manufacturing the future, Mathematical sciences, Physical sciences

New Materials for RF and Microwave Technologies Workshop: Call for Expressions of Interest

EPSRC invites expressions of interest to attend a workshop in the Birmingham area (venue TBA), to engage with the research communities in the area of RF and Microwave Devices.

Issue date: 17 September 2014 / Closing date: 23 October 2014 at 16:00

Type: Expression of interest

Related themes: ICT, Physical sciences



Fellowships are available in a number of priority areas


Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Awards

Sir Isaac Wolfson FRS (1897-1991) Sir Isaac Wolfson FRS (1897-1991) was a businessman who distributed most of his fortune to good causes.

The Royal Society, in partnership with the Wolfson Foundation and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, invites nominations for the Wolfson Research Merit Awards. These enable universities to attract or retain researchers of outstanding achievement and potential. The award covers all areas of the life and physical sciences, including engineering but excluding medicine.

It provides a salary enhancement for up to five years, usually worth £10,000 to £30,000 per year, in addition to the basic salary.

Awards are made to the university and therefore researchers must remain at the university named on the application. Researchers may be of any nationality but must hold or have received a firm offer for a permanent post at a UK university.

Closing date: 4 November 2014

For further information go to the Wolfson Foundation.

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Co-funding

This fund should be of interest to doctoral or fellowship projects which are either new or already have funding. They can be run at regional, national or international level.

Funding Body: Horizon 2020

Scheme: H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2015 Marie Sklodowska-Curie co-funding of regional, national and international programmes

Overview: This aims to stimulate regional, national or international programmes to foster excellence in researchers’ training, mobility and career development. This will be achieved by co-funding new or existing regional, national, and international programmes to open up to, and provide for, international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary research training as well as transnational and cross-sectoral mobility of researchers at all stages of their career.

Applicants must submit multi-annual proposals for new or existing doctoral programmes or fellowship programmes that may be run at regional, national or international level. Doctoral programmes address the development and broadening of the research competencies of early-stage researchers. Fellowship programmes fund individual research training and career development fellowships for experienced researchers. Support cannot be awarded to researchers who are already permanently employed at the host institution. Limitations regarding the researchers’ origin and destination should be avoided. Research teams will not be funded. Participants are required to be legal entities established in a member state or associated country that fund or manage doctoral or fellowship programmes for researchers. International European interest organisations that fund or manage doctoral or fellowship programmes for researchers can also participate.

Budget: The total indicative budget for this call in 2015 is €80 million. Funding is given at flat rates.

Deadlines: Proposals invited between 14 April 2015 and 5pm Brussels local time, 1 October 2015.

Further Information:


ESRC – funding for future research leaders


The Economic and Social Research Council invites proposals for its future research leaders scheme. This scheme supports outstanding early-career researchers to carry out excellent research and to develop all aspects of their research and knowledge exchange skills. Proposals are welcome in any topic that falls within the ESRC’s remit.

The scheme is open to high-quality candidates from anywhere in the world who have a maximum of four years’ postdoctoral experience and the support of an eligible UK research organisation.

Grants will last a maximum of three years with an overall limit of £350,000 at 100 per cent full economic cost of which the ESRC will pay 80 per cent. Up to 40 grants will be funded. Closing date 20 Jan 15

Further details

Leverhulme research project grants – appications invited


The Leverhulme Trust invites proposals for its research project grants. These support innovative and original research projects on a topic of the applicant’s choice. The trust welcomes applications for research in any academic discipline.

Eligible applicants will already be employed by an institution or be an academic who has maintained close links with that institution following retirement. Institutions eligible to apply are universities, other institutions of higher education in the UK, and registered charities in the UK that have equivalent research capacity.

The scheme is also open to institutions or organisations of similar standing in countries where the provision of research funding is seriously limited. The award is paid directly to the institution at which the applicant is employed. Up to three co-applicants from the same institution or different institutions may apply.

Grants may be held for up to five years for a maximum sum of £500,000. Eligible costs include research staff, postgraduate students and the tuition fees and maintenance costs of one or more PhD studentships, as well as research-associated costs such as travel and subsistence, consumables and technical costs or services.


The trust does not support

  •  Research directly relevant to clinicians, medical professionals or the pharmaceutical industry, as well as policy-driven research where the principal objective is to assemble an evidence base for immediate policy initiatives.
  •  Research aimed principally at an immediate commercial application.
  • Principal investigators may not apply from institutions or organisations located in North America or elsewhere in the EU.

Application procedure

Research Project Grants are assessed via a two-stage process. There are no deadlines for Outline Applications, and their assessment is normally completed within three months. An invitation to progress to the second stage – preparation of a Detailed Application – will be sent to those whose Outline Application has been approved.

Information day on European Funding for Materials and Nanotechnology, Chemistry and Manufacturing Communities

This event will give you a chance to hear insights from the European Commission on the opportunities for funding under Horizon 2020 for materials and nanotechnology, chemistry and manufacturing organisations.It is free to attend and will be held in Birmingham on 3 October.

The event will focus on the nanotechnologies, materials and production ‘NMP’ programme including the public-private partnerships SPIRE (Sustainable Process Industries through Resource Efficiency) and Factories of the Future.  In addition, Innovate UK (the new name for the Technology Strategy Board) and the Knowledge Transfer Network will highlight opportunities for support.  As part of the event, you will have the opportunity to pitch your ideas for projects to the audience and profile the expertise you have to offer as well as network with other participants.

More details and registration are available here


Scientists demand better place for humanities in Horizon 2020


Horizon 2020 has failed to fully integrate the humanities into its work programmes, according to Science Europe.

More than 90 per cent of the topics covered in the programmes do not include a humanities approach, says a report published by the Science Europe scientific committee for the Humanities on 4 September. The paper analyses the integration of the humanities in the 2014-2015 work programmes.

In the remaining 10 per cent of topics, the humanities expertise asked for is rather narrow and unnecessarily limited, says the report. The work programmes are not very concerned with the ‘human factor’ of research and innovation, such as attitudes or culturally embedded values, according to Science Europe, a group that represents research organisations.

The report also criticises the fact that the humanities are seen mostly as having a translational role between research and the market, but are not pursued to gain better understanding of wider social developments.

See full report:

HEIF 2011-15 App Competition

Enterprise and Commercial Development have opened a new Mobile App call under HEIF.

Have you created a process, toolkit or algorithm? Do you have research that you would like to disseminate to the public? Have you considered turning it into an app?

This is an exciting competition that challenges academics and postgraduate research students from all faculties to come up with an idea and design a mobile app with a viable business model. The aim is to support the development and use of apps, encourage entrepreneurship, enhance research and help create impact and public engagement opportunities.

Prize: The three winning entries will receive funding for the development of their app by a professional software developer, hosting and initial marketing.

The guidelines and application form for this call are now available for download from Drop Box at the below link:

Deadline: 31 October 2014
