PGR Event PHD By Published Work – 20th October 2016 1-3pm


PhD By Published Work Workshop

Thursday 20th October, Cadman Conference Room

1-3 p.m.


The PhD by Published Work Workshop is an alternate route to a research degree for people who already have a research career. This workshop will be an introduction to the principles and procedures, and will be of interest to anyone thinking this route might be for them, or know of a research colleague whom the route might benefit. Note also that the PhD by Published work regulations here at the University are scheduled to be reviewed, so we welcome attendees who have experience in this area, and can thus give us feedback that aides the crafting of the new set of regulations.


Please book on Iris if you intend to attend (under events/training) or email or simply drop in on the day.


Request a Fund Search for your research idea

Staffordshire University subscribes to a website which can help find thousands of open funds for research projects. is free for all staff to use. However, sometimes you need a bit of expert help to get the right results. Research Services are able to help by providing bespoke searches for research funding.


The team will use their in-depth knowledge of research funding to identify one/or a collection of potential funds which may be suitable for your project. These will be sent for you to look through, and if necessary and one to one meeting can be arranged to discuss the options in more detail and make sure you are applying for the most suitable fund.


To access this service all you need to do is complete the form below to give us some details of what you want to do and email it to

Download Form for Fund Search Request 


Image of Research Poster Competition – Enter today

Staff have the opportunity to enter a “Images of Research competition.” Last year 20 entries were recieved from across the institution and we are looking to replicate the success by running the competition this year.

What is required? An image and 150 words to describe your research – Be creative!

Who can enter? Staffordshire University Research Staff and Students inc PHD students

Deadline for entries: 30th October 2015

Contact info: Libby Plant RBES  –

Please click this link for more information Images of Research Poster Competition Launch

MRC Looking for Referee Selectors

As part of the Medical Research Council’s (MRC) peer review process, research grants and fellowship applications are assessed by independent expert reviewers. The MRC is seeking to contract qualified scientists who are familiar with the peer review process to select these reviewers for the Research Boards and Panels. This is on a part-time casual contract basis.

MRC are looking for individuals with experience of nationally or internationally recognised research relevant to the MRC remit. Particular experience in the following areas are welcomed: Methodology research, Biostatistics, Modelling, Computational/systems biology, Bio and health informatics methodology

The deadline for applications is the 31st August 2015.  For futher information contact



Ten technologies which could change our lives

3D printer

One of Staffordshire University’s 3D printers presented by Graham Preece, Technical Team Leader

A ‘technological society’; this is the term most of us would choose to describe ourselves in the 21st Century. We use a multitude of devices every day to coordinate our activities and communications at home and in the workplace. Ten technologies which could change our lives, Potential impacts and Policy implications was published last January by the Scientific Foresight (STOA) Unit of the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS).

This report investigates ten scientific and technological trends: Autonomous Vehicles, Graphene, 3D printing, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), Virtual currencies (Bitcoin), Wearable technologies, Drones, Aquaponic systems, Smart home technologies and Electricity storage (hydrogen). A summary of each trend is provided followed by an overview of both the ‘expected’ and ‘unexpected’ impacts associated with the trend.

To help Europe to grasp leadership early on in new and emerging technology areas, the European Commission has allocated a provisional budget of 2 696 million euro (239.26 million Euros in 2015) to Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) actions, under Horizon 2020. In order to succeed in this mission, FET focusses on research beyond what is known, accepted or widely adopted.


Smart specialisation… Quid est?


Smart specialisation is an innovation policy concept designed to identify the unique economic characteristics and assets of an area (usually a region, or a country) to address emerging opportunities and market developments in a coherent manner….Basically? It means developing and matching the research and innovation strengths of a geographical area to the business needs Rather than being a strategy imposed from above, smart special­isation involves businesses, research centres and universities working together.

EU Legislation:

Smart specialisation is not new, it is in the continuity of the previous funding period (2007-2013). What is new is that the European Commission makes such strategies a pre-condition for ERDF funding. It will be the basis for European Structural and Investment Fund (ESIF) interventions in R&I, as part of the Cohesion Policy’s contribution to the Europe 2020 jobs and growth agenda (see Regulation (EU) 1301/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013).

In England:

A Smart Specialisation Strategie (S3) has been developed at a national level, but has to be informed locally by the LEP ESIF strategies which need to focus on specific actions in support of innovation. The Government also asked LEPs to consider the development of a specific strategy of Smart Specialisation and particularly encouraged the use the Joint Research Centre’s (JRC) RIS3 guide, available on the Smart Specialisation Platform:

Latest news:

on 12 February, speaking at a conference in Riga (Latvia), Charlina Vitcheva, Director of smart and sustainable growth at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional Policy, said that 59 of the 110 plans failed to meet monitoring and evaluation criteria, and lacked a “real vision for transformation”. Most Regions must prepare for failure as well as success, to allow them to take more risks in drafting their plans, and to simply avoid old and repackaged innovation strategies. See more at:

We recommend:

The role of Universities and Research Organisations as drivers for Smart Specialisation at regional level:

Birmingham, February 18th: MSCA: Bridging Business and Research


An event promoting business-academic collaborations under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) scheme is taking place in Birmingham on Wednesday 18 this month.
The European Commission has launched a promotional campaign, aimed mainly at industry and SMEs, to encourage more involvement in MSCA projects from the private sector. The campaign will be running across Europe during the end of this year and the whole first semester of 2015.

  • Birmingham, University of Birmingham: 18 February 2015.

The main objective of this event is to provide more practical information on how to get involved in the MSCA schemes, and to present the latest business opportunities under the new Framework Programme for Research, Horizon 2020. The application process and examples of partnerships will be explained during these information sessions.

The registration website with agenda and practical information is available at the link below.

SME Funding Event


Enterprise and Commercial Development  were joined yesterday by our UK Research Office (UKRO) representative Blazej Thomas and National Contact Point (NCP) for SME Innovation, Dr Jane Watkins as well as Mudlark owner Charles Hunter for an interactive session on European Funding and SME’s.

(pictured above from left to right, Prof Allan Howells, Dr Jane Watkins, Matthew Hocking, Jose Beech, Blazej Thomas & Charles Hunter)

The all day event, sponsored by EUREKA and hosted by the External Projects Team was held in the Ashley Building, and was designed to stimulate discussion and debate on the routes to EU Horizon 2020 funding for SME’s and local organisations as well as providing insight to academics on funding opportunities within the programme. Over 50 attendees had the opportunity to listen to expert advice as well as question our speakers on the nuts and bolts of European funding.

The slides will be avaliable to all participants, so if you didn’t attend and would like to recieve them please email: