May’s Wider Outlook now available

Wider Outlook May Edition 2013

Welcome to the May edition of Wider Outlook produced by the External Projects Team in Enterprise and Commercial Development. . The team have chosen policy as the key focus for this month’s newsletter, you will find plenty of new initiatives and policy links and some interesting news on patents and RCUK open access review.

This edition we also have some fascinating articles, including the latest news from the Erasmus project WBLQUAL led by Rosie Borup from FCES.

If you have any ideas or comments for Wider Outlook do let us know.

Extracts from the Judgment of Lord Sumption: Public Relations Consultants v Newspaper Licensing Agency


Please see attached a Note with a few useful extracts from the Judgment of Lord Sumption in Public Relations Consultants v Newspaper Licensing Agency Ltd [2013] UK SC 18. The point of appeal has been referred to the Court of Justice of the European Union.

Non-disclosure and non-circumvention agreements: the Court of Appeal judgment in ‘Dorchester Property Management’

CK2703ConfidentialityBlogDorchesterPropertyvBNP Paribas

Please see attached a further discussion of the recent Court of Appeal decision related to non-disclosure and non-circumvention agreements, in relation to the disclosure of confidential information.

Newspaper Licensing Agency (et al) v Public Relations Consultants Ltd (et al): temporary downloading of copyright from the Internet



Please see attached a short note of the appeal currently before the UK Supreme Court regarding the ambit of the section 28A exception to copyright infringement (the making of temporary copies) and when the section 28A exception could be relied upon.