What Works wellbeing


The Economic and Social Research Council invites applications for its What Works wellbeing programme. This funds wellbeing themed evidence programmes in support of a new and independent What Works centre for wellbeing. Proposals should address the following themes:

•cross-cutting capability;

•work, learning and wellbeing;

•community wellbeing;

•culture, sport and wellbeing.

Principal investigators must be based at a research organisation for the duration of the award. The inclusion of international co-investigators is welcomed and inter-institutional proposals or partnerships with non-higher education institutions are strongly encouraged.

Funding is worth between £875,000 and £1.06 million per programme over three years.

Find more details here


Closing date 02/12/14

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11.8 billion Euros for 2014-2020: the European Commission has formally adopted the UK partnership agreement on the 29th October.


The European Commission (EC) has adopted Partnership Agreements with six Member States on the 29th October, including the United Kingdom. The UK Partnership agreement allocates €11.8 billion of European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) for key thematic investments during the period 2014-2020. The UK government is now waiting for a formal response from the European Commission to its Operational Programmes.

The European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) covers the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF), the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). The funds are concentrated on a limited number of priorities for a better impact on growth and jobs in the UK: research and innovation, ICT, competitiveness of enterprises and low carbon economy represent more than 80% of the total allocations.

Both the European Commission and the United Kingdom are expecting to increase the number of innovative enterprises, including the number of collaborations between SMEs and academic institutions in the UK. Superfast broadband, low carbon economy, sustainable land management, inactivity levels, higher level training and skills are also within the main targets of the UK Partnership Agreement.

Within the ESI Funds Growth Programme, England is being allocated €3.6 billion of European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), €3.3 billion of European Social Fund (ESF), and €3.4 billion for Rural Development.

The ERDF and ESF Operational Programmes, which are breaking down the investment priorities and objectives of the Partnership Agreements into concrete actions, are due to be adopted by the European Commission in the next few months. Applications will then be able to be submitted to the relevant Managing Authorities of the programmes for applying to these funds.

To find out more:http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/newsroom/detail.cfm?id=1796&LAN=EN&lang=en

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Research Outcomes Harmonisation Project

RCUK logo

RCUK has requested that research council funded colleagues should be reminded about the Research Outcomes Harmonisation Project and their obligation to submit data on the outcomes of their research.

RCUK have a responsibility to demonstrate the value and impact of research supported through public funding. The seven research councils collect information that researchers provide on outputs, outcomes and impact to report to and engage with both the Government and the public. Responding to a drive from BIS, the RCUK Research Outcomes Harmonisation Project is an initiative designed to increase the uniformity of data collection and to improve analysis, reporting and communications.

From September 2014, all RCUK funded research outcomes must be recorded on Researchfish.

Using software originally developed for the MRC, Researchfish is currently used by 90+ funders to gather information from researchers about the outcomes of their work.

It is an online facility that enables research funders and research organisations to track the impacts of their investments and researchers to log the outputs, outcomes and impacts of their work.

In September, PIs holding awards from the Councils which used the previous system (AHRC, BBSRC, EPSRC, ESRC and NERC) were sent an email with a link to register with Researchfish.  New grant holders for MRC and STFC were also sent registration emails.  If PIs have lost this email they can request that it be resent by emailing support@researchfish.com.

RCUK are now requesting that outstanding data be submitted as a matter of urgency.

Data should be uploaded to Researchfish by 4pm on 13th November 2014 at which point the system will not accept any more submissions.

For further information about the Research Outcomes Harmonisation Project go to: http://www.rcuk.ac.uk/research/researchoutcomes/project/

Contact researchoutcomes@rcuk.ac.uk if you have any questions about the research outcomes collection process.

To register on Researchfish go to https://www.researchfish.com/

External Projects Team can be contacted on externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk

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Erasmus+ Calls for 2015 open

Don’t forget, the Erasmus+ calls for 2015 are out now. We have blogged on this already, but it is a fund that the University has a lot of success with and fits well with all research areas, so if you have not looked at what the funds are about yet, read this post.

Erasmus + provides grants for a wide range of actions and activities in the fields of education, training, youth and sport. The programme gives opportunities to students, trainees, staff and volunteers to spend a period abroad to increase their skills and employability. It supports organisations to work in transnational partnership and to share innovative practices in the fields of education, training and youth.

Details of each call can be accessed from the 2015 programme guide. http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/documents/erasmus-plus-programme-guide_en.pdf
The programme guide is the first port of call for anyone interested in applying. Each call has a 3-4 page summary of what sort of projects the commission are looking for fund and how much funding you will get.

Below is a list of the open calls, their closing date and the page in the programme guide to get more details.

Key Action 1
Mobility of individuals in the field of education and training 30/04/15                      page 33
Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degree 04/03/15                                                 page 93
Large Scale European Voluntary Services events 03/04/15                                  page 86

Key Action 2
Strategic partnerships in the field of education, training and youth 30/04/15        page 106
Knowledge Alliances, sector skills Alliances 26/02/15                                          page 123
Capacity building in the field of higher education 10/02/15                                   page 145
Capacity building in the field of youth 03/04/15, 02/09/15                                     page 166

Information Events

12 November 2015, Brussels event on Knowledge Alliances and Sector Skills Alliances


4 November Glasgow events on Strategic partnerships and other UK based funds



Further Information
Erasmus+ website http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus_en

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AHRC – Tell the world about your work – New Generation Thinkers 2015

AHRC logo

Tell the world about your work – New Generation Thinkers 2015


On Monday 10th November the Arts and Humanities Research Council and BBC Radio 3 are opening a call for academics with a focus on arts and humanities topics to apply for the opportunity to develop a programme idea.

The New Generation Thinkers Scheme is intended to support up to sixty early career researchers with an opportunity to spend the day at the BBC to hear first-hand about the commissioning process and develop their programme ideas alongside experienced BBC producers. From these sixty researchers, ten will be selected to go on to develop their ideas as the 2015 New Generation Thinkers.

This is the fifth year of the scheme. Previous participants have presented documentaries, taken part in on air discussions on BBC Radio 3, made pilot films for TV and spoken at public festivals. You can also find out more about previous winners from 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011.

For further information, contact Alex Pryce (AHRC), a.pryce@ahrc.ac.uk, 01793 41 6025

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Bursaries from the BMFMS: British Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society



The British Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society invites applications for its bursaries. These support academics and NHS members in pursuing research or professional development. Two types of bursaries are available:

•research or audit bursary which aims to help pump prime pilot research projects or to set up a local or national database, worth up to £5,000;

•travel bursaries which are designed to fund travel to different institutions for academic or professional development, worth up to £1,000.

Applicants must be members of the society for at least six months prior to applying. Applications are accepted from academics, doctors, midwives and scientists of all grades. Closing date 01/11/2014

for further details see :


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2. Awarding Authority: Leicester City Council, 4th Floor, Rutland Wing, 115 Charles Street Leicester LE1 1FZ. Tel: 0116 454 4032. Email: procurementquotations@leicester.gov.uk (Amina Laher, Procurement Officer).
3. Contract type: Service contract
4. Description: The awarding authority’s LCB Depot Business Development Team helps develop new and existing creative and technology business tenants at our 4 managed workspace sites across Leicester and the wider sector communities.
As part of the service to our tenants and the wider creative and technology businesses in Leicester, the Business Development Team is looking to deliver a programme of workshops to help businesses to consider, prepare and embark on an export strategy for their business.
These activities are funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and therefore all documents relating to this activity will have to adhere to our funder’s guidelines, including presentations on standard ERDF templates and using ERDF logos on any material such as hand-outs. The ERDF publicity toolkit is available at https://www.gov.uk/erdf-national-guidance.
5. CPV Code(s): 80000000, 80500000,
6. NUTS code(s): UKF UKF2 UKF21,
7. Main site or location of works, main place of delivery or main place of performance: Not Provided.
8. Reference attributed by awarding authority: REFERENCE PAN0758
9. Estimated value of requirement: Not provided.
10. Document available until: 22.10.2014.
11. Address to which they must be sent: For further information and instructions on how to register your interest in the above contract notice please visit Website: http://www.sourcederbyshire.co.uk/contracts/show/id/11235
12. Other information: Est. start date: 27/10/2014
Est. end date: 30/11/2014
To respond to this opportunity either:1 Click on the “Apply Online” button to be found below the contact details to the right of this screen which will take you to the EastMidsTenders portal. Click on the “View Opportunities” button to view contracts and locate the Appointment of an Export Specialist Practitioner/Trainer to Deliver Workshops (PAN0758) opportunity. Register if you have not already done so to express an interest and gain access to the quotation document.
2 Paste the following link into your web browser: https://www.eastmidstenders.org/procontract/emp/supplier.nsf/frm_opportunity?openForm&contract_id=CONTRACT-9PQE-MJ42OS&opp_id=OPP-HIS-9PUE-M6SJ4B&search_id=&org_id=ORG-EASD-98TLGG&from=supplier_home to view the Appointment of an Export Specialist Practitioner/Trainer to Deliver Workshops (PAN0758) opportunity. Register if you have not already done so to express an interest and gain access to the quotation document.
Only quotations on the form below will be accepted. However, any supporting documents will be considered. Submissions must be received via the via the EastMidsTenders portal: https://www.eastmidstenders.org/index.html
This should be returned by 14.00hrs on 22 October 2014 at the very latest.
Organisations are asked to regularly check this opportunity on Source Leicestershire for any updates. Any advertised opportunity might be updated or removed at short notice due to unforeseen circumstances.
Applicants should note that due to the technicality of the software package being used to create this advert, this Opportunity will become “invisible” at midnight, 21 October 2014. Applicants are therefore requested to save all documentation relating to this Opportunity locally
Contract Type One off
Procurement Process Quotation
Category Training & Conferences, Business, Commercial, Consultancy, Professional & Advisory Services,
Suitable for SME: Yes.
Submission return by: 22 October 2014
This contract is managed through an electronic process. To request documentation click ‘Apply online’ button on the stated website.
13. Submitted date: 13.10.2014.

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Latest funds on Research Professional 13/10/2014

Highlights of new funds on Research Professional

You can see the full list here: All new funds from the last two weeks

Catalyst Fund Higher Education Funding Council for England –Deadline 06/11/2014

This helps deliver strategic aims for higher education across research, teaching and knowledge exchange, and supports solutions at a time of changes to funding and regulation. £800,000.


Comparison of the costs and other practicalities of converting a town to alternative heating solutions including hydrogen (tender) Department of Energy and Climate Change –Deadline 10/11/2014

Desk study and site work to investigate and compare four technology solutions for the provision of heat for an actual UK town with a population of around 10,000 to 15,000.


Funding for PhDs in improvement science Health Foundation –Deadline 28/10/14

Support four research organisations in developing multidisciplinary teams to undertake research with a direct relevance to improvement science within UK healthcare.


Transformative research call Economic and Social Research Council –Deadline 19 February 2015

Provide a stimulus for genuinely transformative research ideas at the frontiers of the social sciences, enabling research which challenges current thinking to be supported and developed.


Incentivising poverty reduction in local growth strategies Joseph Rowntree Foundation –Deadline 07/11/2014

Develop a package of policy proposals to encourage, support and incentivise city level stakeholders to better integrate poverty reduction within local economic growth strategies.


Joint master’s degrees Erasmus+ -Deadline 04/03/2014

Foster quality improvements, innovation, excellence and internationalisation in higher education institutions. Increase the quality of HE by offering full degree scholarships to the best master’s students worldwide. Improve the level of competencies and skills of master’s graduates.


Sector skills alliances Erasmus+ -Deadline 26/02/2014

Tackle skills gaps, and enhance the responsiveness of initial and continuing vocational education and training systems to sector-specific labour market needs and demand for new skills with regard to one or more occupational profiles.


Strategic partnerships in the field of education, training and youth Erasmus+ -Deadline 30/04/2015

Priorities: •develop basic and transversal skills in all fields of education, training and youth; •develop new approaches to strengthen education and training of prospective and practicing educators as well as youth workers; •enhance digital integration in learning, teaching, training and youth work. Follow link for more priorities.


Mobility projects in the field of education and training Erasmus+ -Deadline 04/03/2015

One or more of the following activities: a study period abroad at a partner higher education institution; a traineeship (work placement) abroad in an enterprise or any other relevant workplace.


www.researchprofessional.com -The world’s leading provider of news and funding information for research professionals. Step by step guide to using Research Professional

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Erasmus+ Calls for 2015 open

Erasmus + provides grants for a wide range of actions and activities in the fields of education, training, youth and sport. The programme gives opportunities to students, trainees, staff and volunteers to spend a period abroad to increase their skills and employability. It supports organisations to work in transnational partnership and to share innovative practices in the fields of education, training and youth.

Details of each call can be accessed from the 2015 programme guide. http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/documents/erasmus-plus-programme-guide_en.pdf
The programme guide is the first port of call for anyone interested in applying. Each call has a 3-4 page summary of what sort of projects the commission are looking for fund and how much funding you will get.

Below is a list of the open calls, their closing date and the page in the programme guide to get more details.

Key Action 1
Mobility of individuals in the field of education and training 30/04/15                      page 33
Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degree 04/03/15                                                 page 93
Large Scale European Voluntary Services events 03/04/15                                  page 86

Key Action 2
Strategic partnerships in the field of education, training and youth 30/04/15        page 106
Knowledge Alliances, sector skills Alliances 26/02/15                                          page 123
Capacity building in the field of higher education 10/02/15                                   page 145
Capacity building in the field of youth 03/04/15, 02/09/15                                     page 166

Information Events

12 November 2015, Brussels event on Knowledge Alliances and Sector Skills Alliances


17 October-Cardiff, 20 October London, 4 November Glasgow events on Strategic partnerships and other UK based funds



Further Information
The External Projects Team will be preparing summaries of the actions and posting them on the blog www.staffs.ac.uk/researchfunding
Erasmus+ website http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus_en

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