Open Call for Proposals: European Co-operation in Science and Technology

COST | European Cooperation in Science and Technology
Stimulating new, innovative, interdisciplinary and broad research networks, COST invites action proposals contributing to the scientific, technological, economic, cultural or societal development of Europe. Proposals initiated by early-stage researchers are especially welcome.

COST is organised in nine broad domains (biomedicine and molecular biosciences; chemistry and molecular sciences and technologies; earth system science and environmental management; food and agriculture; forests, their products and services; individuals, societies, cultures and health; information and communication technologies; materials, physics and nanosciences; transport and urban development).

Proposers are invited to locate their topic within one domain. However, broad inter-disciplinary proposals not fitting readily into a single domain should be submitted as trans-domain proposals (TDP) and will be evaluated separately.

Proposals should include researchers from a minimum of five COST countries.

Deadline: 07/03/2014

For further information go to:

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IPR Helpdesk Factsheet: Exploitation channels for public research results

Please find attached a link to an article on the available means for exploiting and disseminating research results. The list set out in the article includes Assignment, Licence, Joint Venture, Spin off, Consultancy, and Consortium Agreements.

Strictly speaking, Assignment and Licence (as vehicles for commercialisation and collaboration) require a party to own the Research results in the first place, however all the exploitation channels in the menu can be created by way of agreement between project parties, which makes it a very useful reminder of the list of options.

Click to access Exploitation_channels_for_public_research_results.pdf

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Research funding calls sent directly to your inbox

To be successful in applying for research funding it is important to know what funding is out there and when the application deadlines are.  To help, the university subscribes to a website called Research Professional

There are over six thousand research funding calls currently open on Research Professional. The site can be used to make a tailored search for your research project. You can filter your search in a range of ways. This includes discipline, what you want money for or which funders you are interested in.

After you have made the search, you can see which funds are open. Plus you can save the details and set Research Professional to email each time new funds open which fit your criteria. Using this tool can ensure you are always up to date on open calls in your research field.

You can download a step by step guide on setting up searches here: Using Research Professional

You will not need to set up an account to search on Research Professional, but you will need one to save your settings. Using a University email address when you create your account will let Research Professional know your subscription is already paid for.

You can speak you the External Projects Team to get further details on using Research Professional.


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Joint Action on Health Inequalities – final conference reports[1]

The Equity Action final conference took place on the 23rd of January 2014 in Brussels. It brought together international experts on health inequalities, officials and policy makers from Member States and the EU and a range of key stakeholders.

Who was this for?

This conference was for leaders and champions at European and Member State and Regional level who are responsible for producing or shaping policies and strategies that address the social determinants of health such as housing, environment, education and employment, and those from NGOs and academia who are seeking to influence the uptake of policies to reduce health inequalities.

Key points

Equity Action has worked to strengthen the effectiveness of policy making and strategic actions to reduce health inequalities at member state, regional and EU levels. Work has included:

  • developing expertise in Health Impact Assessment and Health Equity Audit
  • improving the impact that Structural and Investment Funds have on tackling health inequalities
  • strengthening regional strategies to tackle health inequalities
  • broadening the evidence base on key issues such debt and financial insecurity
  • sharing good practice on stakeholder engagement to tackle health inequality together

Learn more about Equity Action

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HEIF call open

HEIF logo

Enterprise and Commercial Development have opened a call for Continuous Improvement projects under our Higher Education Innovation Funding programme.  The ‘Continuous Improvement’ themed call is designed to support innovative projects, collaborations with companies and cross faculty working.

For this call we are inviting applications for projects in the areas of Energy/Low Carbon and Health and wellbeing. Applications can be submitted from the 27th Jan – 28th Feb 2013.

Please contact Alex Harvey, HEIF Project Manager for an application pack via


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Lebanese learn about H2020…..


The External Projects Team have supported the EU funded Business School project IDEAL (The Innovation and Development of Academic-Industry Partnerships through Efficient Research Administration in Lebanon). Emma and Jose filmed a 90 minute training video on the latest EU Research Funding Programme Horizon 2020. This film covers a number of key areas, including the policy framework for Horizon 2020 and detailed description of the funding mechanisms and opportunities for engagement.

The IDEAL programme, launched in early December 2012, it is helping to forge links between local researchers and their international counterparts, while working with industry to identify research priorities and commercialize any innovative ideas.  The project is coordinated by the Office of Grants and Contracts at the American University of Beirut and Staffordshire University are one of the partners.

Pictured are from left to right: Emma Davies, Tom Ward, Jose Beech and Ian Jackson.

For more information on H2020 and the latest calls for proposals please get in touch with

For more information on IDEAL please follow the Link




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UK’s first national Humanities festival

The UK’s first national festival dedicated to demonstrating the value, vitality and relevance of humanities research has been announced.

“Being Human” will explore what it means to be human. The festival will run from 15 to 23 November 2014 and is led by the School of Advanced Study, University of London, in partnership with the Arts & Humanities Research Council and the British Academy.

Higher Education Institutions across the country are invited to apply for small grants to participate in the festival. The grants will fund creative programming which engages the public with leading humanities research, including debates, performances, virtual activities and exhibitions.

Held with the participation of arts and cultural organisations and universities across the UK, the festival will draw together the most exciting and inspiring work in the humanities research field to present a week of creative public events that inspire, inform and extend our contemporary thinking and imagination.

For further information go to:’s-first-national-festival-dedicated-to-the-humanities-is-announced.aspx

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Public consultation on the review of EU copyright rules: Protection of rights holders, whilst achieving greater accessibility for scholars and consumers

Public consultation on the review of EU copyright rules – Protection of Rights and achieving accessibility

Click to access consultation-document_en.pdf

Please find attached a short consultation document on the EU copyright legislation. This consultation closes very soon; however it is useful in its discussion of ‘licences for Europe’ including consumer rights to access services, and online services when visiting or travelling in other member states. There is also discussion of the issue of protection of digital content, and licensing of digital works, with the accompanying issue that often in the use of technology, and accessing copyright works on the internet, several copies of the works are made by way of linking and browsing when viewing web pages – which was a subject of a previous blog in the case of Public Relations Consultants Association Ltd Case number C-360/13 – currently on appeal before the Court of Justice of the European Union (as to whether such temporary copies are invariably covered by the mandatory exception for temporary acts of reproduction) provided for in Article 5(1) of the Directive 2001/29/EC.

The Directive 2001/29/EC enables member states to implement national legislation for exceptions to facilitate non-commercial teaching – in Article 5(3)(a). Such exceptions include use by a teacher of parts of entire works to illustrate or teach as part of a course, including newspaper articles. This part of the Directive also includes the right of member states to implement exceptions for non-commercial scientific research. This is also the subject of consultation at page 25 in the attached.

There is also reference to consultation on Article 5(3)(b) of the 2001/29 Directive for persons with disability. The general aim is to further increase the accessibility of copyright works, notably increasing the number of works in special formats and further facilitating distribution. The general aim follows initiatives from the European Trusted Intermediaries Network and the Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works (by Visually Impaired Persons and Persons with Print Disabilities) concluded in Marrakesh in June 2013. The treaty creates a mandatory exception to copyright that allows organisations for the blind to produce, distribute and make available accessible format copies to visually impaired persons without the authorisation of the rights holders. The EU and member states are currently working on signature and ratification of this treaty.

Although the consultation process is soon to end, the attached contains numerous reminders that copyright and access to copyright works is still the subject of considerable activity in the EU to ensure protection of rights of creators of copyright works, whilst ensuring where possible the greatest accessibility to their enlightening content. This has been the perennial problem, one would guess, since Caxton and the printing press of Gutenberg.

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Fund an international academic to work at Staffs Uni

If you know a star academic working abroad that you would like to work at Staffordshire University for two years, this fund from the Royal Society and British Academy should be of interest.

Researchers can work in a broad range of fields including natural and social sciences and humanities.

Funding Body: Royal Society and the British Academy

Scheme: Newton International Fellowship

Overview: The Royal Society and the British Academy invite applications for the Newton international fellowship. This enables early-stage postdoctoral researchers from all over the world to work in the fields of natural and social sciences and the humanities at UK research institutions. Contact between the applicants and their UK sponsor must have been established prior to application.

Applicants must have a PhD and up to seven years of active full time postdoctoral experience. They should be working outside the UK and be competent in oral and written English. UK citizens may not apply.

Budget: The fellowship lasts for two years and provides £24,000 per year for subsistence costs, up to £8,000 per year for research expenses and a one-off payment of up to £2,000 for relocation expenses. In addition, fellows may receive up to £6,000 per year for up to 10 years following the tenure to support networking activities with UK-based researchers.

Deadlines: 10 March 2014 –This is an annual call

Further Information:


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Building a Postgraduate Research Community – UK Council for Graduate Education event at Staffordshire University



UKCGE have announced the first event in a new series of seminar sessions. These sessions will be in the format of half day events and will provide delegates with the opportunity to engage in in-depth discussions about specific post-graduate related issues.

This event will feature a discussion session on the topic of Building a Postgraduate Research Community. The event will be of relevance to a range of academic staff including heads of graduate schools and research leaders. The session will begin with a brief overview of post-graduate research education and student numbers in the UK to set the scene for the discussion. The discussion itself will be delegate led and therefore those attending on the day will have the opportunity to shape the direction of the discussion. But it is anticipated that it will cover a range of aspects relevant to building a postgraduate research community including examining the different sorts of postgraduate students and communities, considering examples of schemes currently used by institutions to build communities and the impact these have on PGR students. By sharing in the discussion challenges faced and examples of good practice, delegates will leave with an increased understanding of how a postgraduate research community can be built.

Further details can be found here:

The workshop will take place in the Ashley Centre,in Stoke-on-Trent. A map of the campus can be downloaded by clicking here
Image courtesy of smarnad via
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