TSB Funding for Digital Media

The Technology Strategy Board is investing up to £15m in projects that stimulate innovation in the UK digital media sector by addressing convergence in digital technologies. This funding opportunity covers film and television, online video, animation and video games (including pre-production, production and post-production processes, particularly in visual effects technologies). 

Projects must be business-led but can involve collaboration with Universities. The competition will fund feasibility studies as well as collaborative R&D projects. Projects size is expected to vary according to need, ranging from £300K – £2million for R&D activity of up to 24 months and from £100k to £120k for feasibility studies lasting between six and 12 months. 

The competition opens on 23 September 2013. The deadline for registration is 6 November 2013, and the deadline for completed feasibility expressions of interest is noon on 13 November 2013. A briefing event for both strands will take place on 30 September 2013. This event will be filmed and turned into a webinar for applicants to refer to. 

 For further information click here https://www.innovateuk.org/competition-display-page/-/asset_publisher/RqEt2AKmEBhi/content/cross-platform-production-in-digital-media-collaborative-r-d?p_p_auth=LF3BHyMA or contact n.arblaster@staffs.ac.uk.


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Leverhulme Trust event – now fully booked

The talk at Staffordshire University on 25th September by Jean Cater, Assistant Director of The Leverhulme Trust has proved very popular and is now fully subscribed.

Colleagues who have registered their interest in attending the event will receive further information in the next few days.

For those who have yet to register, a reserve list is now being compiled.

Please contact externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk for more information.


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AHRC Collaborative doctoral awards

The Arts and Humanities Research Council invites applications for its collaborative doctoral awards. These awards are intended to encourage and develop collaboration between higher education institution departments and non-academic organisations and businesses by providing opportunities for doctoral students to gain experience of work outside an academic environment.

Awards are designed to encourage and establish links that are beneficial for both collaborating partners. Research students, jointly supervised by members from each partner organisation, will carry out a project that falls within the AHRC’s subject domain and that will lead to a doctoral qualification by the end of the award.

Applications should be made jointly by a department in a recognised UK higher education institution and a non-academic organisation from the private, public or voluntary sector. Non-academic partners must normally be UK-based operations.

For further information go to:


Closing date 03 Oct 13

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Design in innovation: research development funding

The AHRC is very interested in design innovation at the moment. This fund looks is particularly interesting because it supports speculative research.

Funding Body: AHRC

Scheme: Design in innovation: research development funding

Overview: This call is aimed at enabling groups of researchers, including academics, design practitioners, businesses and any other relevant non-academic organisations or individuals, to hold exploratory workshops, networking and collaborative activities, or conduct original research reviews, scoping studies or capacity building activities focusing on design in innovation.

The following areas were identified as being in particular need of academic investigation:

•the role of design in service innovation;

•the role of design in the innovation ecosystem;

•providing evidence of the impact of design.

Awards should last for a maximum of six months and should be completed by the end of October 2014.

Budget: Funding of up to £50,000 is available on full economic costs basis with the AHRC meeting 80% of the FEC

Deadlines: 31 October 2013

Further Information: http://www.ahrc.ac.uk/Funding-Opportunities/Pages/Design-in-Innovation-Research-Development-Funding.aspx


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Leverhulme: study abroad studentships

The Leverhulme Trust invites applications for its study abroad studentships. These support an extended period of advanced study or research at a centre of learning overseas, excluding the US.

Further details: http://www.leverhulme.ac.uk/funding/SAS/SAS.cfm

Eligible applicants must have been resident in the UK for at least five years and hold an undergraduate degree from a UK institution. Applicants should also either be a student at the time of application or have been registered as a student within the last eight years.

Studentships comprise £17,000 per year for basic maintenance costs and a dependent partner allowance of £6,000 for a period of 12 to 24 months. Awards may include further allowances, such as tuition fees and a contribution to essential research costs, at the trust’s discretion.

Closing date 13 January 2014 Applications due 4pm. This call is repeated once a year.

The Leverhulme Trust Logo External Link


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UKCGE events

The UK Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship has published its events calendar for the 2013/14 academic year.Topics cover a variety of areas and include The Challenges of Working with International Postgraduate Students, Impact in Research, Research Ethics, and Using new technologies in delivering Research Skills and Professional Development Training.  Some are free to attend and the type of event varies from workshops, conferences to study trips.

Further information at http://www.ukcge.ac.uk/main/events


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Webinar: New Participant Portal for Horizon 2020, 9th September

The Participant Portal, the central web platform for the EC research and innovation funding, is improving its user-friendliness and functions for H2020 and this webinar will highlight its main features.

All the grant-related online exchanges of EC research and innovation funding are managed on the Participant Portal. To make the system as user-friendly as possible and to prepare it for Horizon 2020, the Commission seeks continuous advice from the actual users. The next meeting of an external user group is planned for Monday 9th September 2013 (3pm – 6pm UK time) in Brussels and at this meeting, discussion points will include:

  • The improved version of the Participant Portal for Horizon 2020
  • The approach for completely paperless management of Horizon 2020 grants
  • New online functions for the appointment and payment of experts
  • Improvements to the system of registering organisations

To allow maximum participation and input from a wide audience, this meeting will be webcast with a live stream. Additionally, a web forum will be used where questions and comments can be posted, either during or after the meeting.

The video link for the live stream will be available from 14.00 Brussels time (3pm UK time) on the 9th September, with a recording of the meeting available shortly after the meeting. To access the webinar and a draft agenda, please click here.

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Staffs Uni Shortlisted for “Outstanding Employer Engagement Initiative”

Staffordshire University have been shortlisted in the “Outstanding Employer Engagement Initiative” category in the Times Higher Education Awards. The entry was submitted by ECD and we are one of only six universities within the category – to just get shortlisted is a fantastic achievement! The awards night takes place on Thursday 28th November at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London.

The past 12 months have been an award winning year for ECD-

CIM Marketing Excellence Awards: Best Strategic Marketing project for KTP Associate/Project with GDM Heat Transfer

Praxis Unico Impact Awards: Special Recognition Award for our Spin-out Company Flux Stoke-on-Trent

Unitemps Annual Conference: Innovation of the Year Award for our Internship Scheme


ECD also supported an entry from Wade Ceramics into the Midlands in Business Awards ‘International Manufacturing’ category and they won!


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Support with European Funding


The University is also a subscriber to the UK Research Office (UKRO). This specialises in European funding and events. You can subscribe to get emailed when funding calls and events are open in your research area.

To join use this link http://ims.ukro.ac.uk/UKRO/login.aspx and click on the option ‘If you do not yet have a profile’. The site will use your email address to identify you are a member of staff at Staffordshire University and give you free access to it. You subscribe to emails using the ‘My Profiles’ section at the top of the page.

If you want to visit the main UKRO website you can access it here: www.ukro.ac.uk

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