Erasmus + Webinars

Ecorys and the British Council have advertised webinars for the new Erasmus + programme of funding. These are taking place in January and February.imagesCAGFFZM5

All of the details on how to register and when the webinars are taking place can be found Here

The External Projects Team will be listening in to the Webinars, so we will be sending out a blog with all the latest info later this month, in the meantime, if you are interested in accessing the E+ funding please get in touch with us at



UKRO and H2020 is now Launched!!

Hurrah!! At last all of the next Horizon 2020 proposals have been released. Following a great UKRO session yesterday with Eevi from the Brussels office (see pic below) the External Projects Team hosted a great day long programme of presentations on Erasmus + and the H2020 calls. We have been anticipating the launch which happened yesterday and we are now in the process of producing briefing sheets to help you to digest all of the information, but in the meantime you can access all of the latest info from the Commission HERE

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Horizon 2020 work programmes published by European Commission




The European Commission has started publishing drafts of some Horizon 2020 Work Programmes. These are now available on the official Horizon 2020 website.

Some draft Work Programmes for Horizon 2020 have now been made available by the European Commission. To date, these include the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, ICT, Access to Risk Finance, the ‘Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials’ societal challenge and the European Research Council.

The current drafts give information on the likely topics or actions for funding and the planned calls for proposals. Some indicate budgets and deadlines. For each topic, there are three sub-headings, the “Specific Challenge”, the “Scope” and the “Expected Impact”.

These are still drafts and changes can be made before the adoption of the final work programmes and their publication. The Commission is publishing these drafts to allow potential applicants to familiarise themselves with the main lines of funding planned ahead of the launch of the first calls, which is expected for 11 December 2013.

Calls will be published on the Commission’s Research Participant Portal, a new version of which is due to be launched in early December. 

The External Projects Team has produced a number of factsheets for the different Horizon 2020 funding streams.


Sneak Preview of the 2014 Erasmus+ Work Programme

The External Projects Team has access to a draft work programme for the new Erasmus+ Project. This is European funding for education, vocational education and young people.
The official document is expected to come out in January 2014, with call deadline dates shortly after. Reading the draft programme can give staff the opportunity to get ahead of the game and start planning partnerships.
The programme covers one year of funding. It gives an overview of the Erasmus+ programme, particularly the specific objectives in education and training, youth and sport as well as in:
•    Key action 1 (learning mobility of individuals)
•    Key action 2 (co-operation for innovation and the exchange of good practices)
•    Key action 3 (support for policy reform)
•    Jean Monnet activities
•    Sport

The draft work programme gives an overview of the funding allocations for 2014-2020 as well as a detailed budget for the 2014 calls.

The draft work programme also lists the topics of the specific activities, outlining an overview of the topic, the expected results, eligible applicants, award criteria and budget distribution per sector for 2014.

This is a confidential document, so we are not able to publish it on our website, however staff who are interested can email us on:


UKRO Horizon 2020 Event – Kings College London


The External Projects Team attended a “Train the Trainer” Horizon 2020 event yesterday at Kings College, London. The session was hosted by Edward Ricketts (Pictured with Jose Beech) one of UKRO’s European Advisors. With over 100 HEI’s represented this was a key session for European Officers as institutions prepare for the new Horizon 2020 calls in January 2014.

A full briefing with details will be sent next week. Needless to say, there are still changes being made to the calls for proposals…

For further information please contact the external projects team at


UKRO Horizon 2020 factsheet

Horizon 2020 logo

For colleagues interested in the next generation of EU funding for research and development activity the UK Research Office (UKRO) have published an updated factsheet on the Horizon 2020 programme. This factsheet is available by clicking on the following link and signing into the UKRO site.

UKRO is an excellent source of information for all EU funding and policy developments.  The External Projects Team will be updating you on the latest Horizon 2020 developments over the next few weeks, but we would encourage colleagues to register on UKRO to received personalised alerts relevant to your research area.

Call for Tenders: Study on Doping Prevention

The European Commission, Directorate-General for Education and Culture, Youth and Sport Directorate, has published a call for tenders for a study on doping prevention.
The study has the following objectives:
  • to map, describe and analyse existing approaches to doping prevention in recreational sports, the extent that theory and practice can be ascertained from literature and to show how findings differ from one EU Member State to another;
  • to map, describe and analyse the extent to which national anti-doping organisations (NADOs) are involved in doping prevention in recreational sports, highlighting the links (or absence of links) between NADOs and other organisations involved in prevention work;
  • to map, describe and analyse the differences between Member States’ legal, administrative and political arrangements governing the fight against doping (including the status, role and autonomy of sports organisations and the presence or absence of anti-doping laws) and efforts currently undertaken to promote doping prevention in recreational sports;
  • to put forward proposals and recommendations regarding doping prevention in recreational sports, how these could usefully be promoted via initiatives taken at EU level, bearing in mind the distribution of powers, roles and resources between the EU, Member States, the sport movement and other potentially relevant actors.

Deadline: 27 September 2013

Call for Tenders: Training Packages for Health Professionals

The Executive Agency for Health and Consumers has published a call for tenders concerning training packages for health professionals to improve access and quality of health services for migrants and ethnic minorities, including the Roma.
The work to be prepared under this call for tender is to review, develop, test and evaluate training for health professionals in order to facilitate the access and improve the quality of health services for migrants and ethnic minorities such as the Roma in the European Union.
The deadline to submit tenders is the 27 September 2013
For additional information go to:

Knowledge alliances – bridging the gap between Higher Education and Business



Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliances 

Knowledge Alliances are a new type of project which, following pilot calls in 2011 and 2012 under the Lifelong Learning Programme, will form part of the Erasmus+ Programme 2014 – 2020.

Knowledge Alliances are structured partnerships between Higher Education Institutes (HEI) and the business community. They are intended to facilitate long-term active exchange and collaboration between HEI and business to foster entrepreneurship and innovation. Knowlege Alliances are part of the second key activity area for HEI under Erasmus+: cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practice. 
Knowledge Alliance activities are expected to trigger innovative approaches, entrepreneural skills and the possibility of new products and services. They are therefore broadly defined and might include the development and implementation of new learning and teaching methods; structured mobility; a new multidisciplinary curriculum or a new company approach to staff development.

At least three counties must be involved in a Knowledge Alliance represented by at least one HEI and one private company in all participating countries. Partner organisations will be expected to raise at least 25% of the funds required for their Knowlege Alliance.

The concept of Knowledge Alliances was piloted in 2011 and 2012. Three out of 94 proposals were selected for funding in 2011 and three out of 103 applications in 2012. The successful pilot proposals are: 

CIAKL – Cinema and Industry Alliance for Knowledge and Teaching

EUEN – European University Enterprise Network

KNOWFACT – European Teaching Factory Paradigm in Manufacturing Education

E-NSPIRATION – Energy Innovative Training programme

EDUCCKATE – Education Cultural and Creative Knowledge Alliance for Tomorrow’s Entrepreneurs

EURL3A – European Real Life Learning Lab Alliance 

For further details see the Knowledge Alliance web site

EU Call for Tender – Study on ‘ICT & Art Connect’

The European Commission, Directorate General Communications Networks, has published a call for tenders regarding a study on ‘ICT & art connect’, with a closing date of August 27th 2013.

The study will create a map of institutions and ongoing programmes/activities linking ICT and the arts in Europe and worldwide. It will analyse best practice to enhance interaction between artists and IT experts and to increase the impact of these interactions on innovation and creativity.

From this analysis, recommendations will be drawn for a DG Connect strategy to engage more broadly with the arts in Horizon 2020. The aim is to contribute to enhancing creativity and innovation in society, technology, science, education, and business; and to better embed science and technology in society.The following 4 objectives should be addressed:

1) Provide an overview of European and worldwide activities linking art and ICT in research, education, and innovation.

2) Take stock and analyse best practices in Europe and worldwide for linking art and ICT and thereby enhancing creativity and innovation.

3) A list of recommendations for a DG Connect strategy on how to best engage in H2020 with the arts will be presented and based on the analysis in first objective and second one.

4) The contractor will organise a final 2-day symposium on ‘ICT & art connect’. This event should bring together artists, technologists, scientists and representatives of relevant institutions and funding bodies identified in the study.

Further details: