This research and innovation fund aims to link at least three European institutions and enable them to carry out exchanges to share ideas.
Funding Body: Horizon 2020
Scheme: Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation call for twinning (H2020-TWINN-2015)
Overview: This fund provides the opportunity to link up with another institution in a different EU country which is a high performer in your field. They also require projects to link up with an organisation from a specific list of countries which are not performing as well with Research and Innovation. The countries are listed below.
Projects aim to strengthen a defined field of research in a particular knowledge institution by creating a link between this institution and at least two internationally leading research institutions in other EU member states. Twinning will enhance the science and technology capacity of the linked institutions and help raise staff’s research profiles as well as the one of the institutions involved. Supported measures include: short term staff exchanges; expert visits and short-term on site or virtual training; workshops; conference attendance; organisation of joint summer school activities; dissemination and outreach activities.
Proposals may take the form of coordination and support actions and must involve a minimum of three participants. Applicant institutions from the following countries are eligible: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Faroe Islands, Macedonia, Liechtenstein, Moldavia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey. Proposals must involve at least two internationally leading research intensive counterparts established in at least two different member states or associated countries other than that of the applicant institution.
Budget: This fund does not include salaries or equipment. The indicative budget for this call in 2015 is €64.12 million. Each successful proposal is expected to receive around €1m, although proposals for other amounts will also be considered.
Deadlines: 2 December 2014
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