Don’t Leave it to the Last Minute

Student lying on a bed in Standard accommodation

Student lying on a bed in Standard accommodationI have a deadline tomorrow morning. Why am I not doing the work you say?!

I have finished.

Too many people leave their work to the last minute and end up rushing it and not getting the grade they wanted. Some people work well under pressure and produce good work but if they had the time to edit and refine their work it could be amazing.

It varies from course to course but with graphic design and similar courses where there is an end product that requires crafting or printing this always takes longer than expected. For my personal branding project i have had to produce a business card, letterhead, creative CV etc. There is a lot of opportunity for mistakes which then need editing and reprinting. This should always be taken into consideration so allow time near a deadline for mistakes, don’t print it off the night before a hand in. My business card didn’t print as i imagined it would so i had to think of an alternative, luckily i had the time to do this and am very pleased with the result – it doesn’t look like it has been rushed last minute.

The same goes for essays, don’t submit them an hour before they are due. If your computer suddenly breaks or the internet stops working you need time to find another computer or go to the library to use the internet. The server ‘their’ end might be down, if any of the above happens your grade will be affected for a late submission so its just not worth the risk.

The majority of the time you will have more than one piece of work/ project on the go so as soon as one is finished do not relax for a week. Crack on with the next project!

If you know about an upcoming project or requirement of the course (maybe placement hours) get it prepared early on. I have a friend who completed the majority of his placement hours during the second year which is basically unheard of and now has lots more time to spend on projects in the 3rd (and most important) year of the course. I have another friend on the same course who will have to cram all of his hours over Easter, just before all of the deadlines, which means less time spent on other course work such as the Dissertation.

The best way is to break up the work so even when you first receive a piece of work don’t leave it until next week – get started!